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Denouncing the Brainwashing, Negating the Persecution and Walking Out of Masanjia Forced Labor Camp with Righteous Thoughts

May 25, 2004 |   Written by a Falun Gong practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) On June 4, 2002, I was abducted and sent to the Masanjia Labor Camp in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province by the police. In December 2002, I was hung up for six days and nights for not renouncing my belief in Falun Gong. When I could not stand the spiritual and physical torture, I wrote "The Statement to Denounce Falun Gong" against my will. I had not let go of the attachment to life and death under the heavy pressure. I felt that I was unworthy of the blessings from Master and Dafa, but I kept bearing it passively.

Master said,

"Amidst tribulations, it is very difficult for a student to see the cause of a matter; but it's not that it is impossible. When he calms his mind and evaluates things with Dafa, he will be able to see the nature of the matter." ("Rationality")

Thinking of Master's teaching, I decided not to be passive any more. I worked hard to memorize Master's teachings, send forth righteous thoughts, and adjust my thoughts. I remembered that once I was called to the team leader's office and was brutally beaten for writing a statement saying that I would continue to practice Falun Gong. After the beating, my eyes burned and I could not see well. The team leader tore up my statement. I calmly told her, "I will continue to write to declare that I will practice Falun Gong until you stop tearing them up." She was very angry and said, "It is not easy and not possible to regret in Masanjia." I knew that what she said was useless. Only Master can decide these things. I would definitely rectify the vicious situation here at Masanjia. Later on I continued to validate Dafa. I did not miss any opportunity to validate Dafa. I encouraged fellow practitioners who made the same mistake to stand up again and walk their paths as Dafa disciples, instead of following the old forces' arrangements.

When we were required to write monthly reports that mimicked the government's political stance against Falun Gong, I would either write something to validate Dafa, or submit nothing. I remember that one time I wrote, "Let everyone in this world have righteous thoughts about Falun Dafa. To cherish Dafa is to cherish one's own life. Let everyone in the world have a beautiful future." Ever since I began doing that, I was no longer forced to write any report, nor go to any discussion where Falun Dafa was defamed. The authorities did not even come to me, as they knew I would not cooperate. All these were the result of my constant righteous thoughts. As a Dafa disciple, I continuously strengthened my righteous thoughts. I decided to walk out of Masanjia, the den of the old forces, righteously. I required of myself to walk each step righteously in Masanjia.

I wrote a statement again to solemnly denounce my old statements to give up Falun Gong, stating that it was due to the intense pressure and it was written against my will. This time the team leader did not tear it up. She even brought me in for a talk and apologized to me. She said that she was too extreme to me, and she was just doing her job and following orders. She said there was nothing she could do. She also said that she would no longer require me to change my thoughts or "transform." She hoped that I remained in good spirits everyday and could go home when my sentence was up. I think it was my righteous belief in Master and Dafa that cleared the evil factors behind her and changed the environment. When I rectified the situation and solemnly declared that my old statements were invalid, it washed away that stain in my cultivation. My heart felt relieved. Master said that the strength of the righteous thought determines the strength of the power. If you really have strong righteous thoughts, Master' Fashen and the guardian gods can do everything for you. Otherwise, the righteous gods cannot help you.

Before I was released, I answered several questions from the evil with rationality.

1. What is your understanding of Falun Gong?

My Answer: Falun Dafa is the righteous path.

2. What are the benefits of practicing Falun Gong?

My Answer: Falun Gong has improved my health, purified my mind and made me a better person.

3. Do you believe the reports of Falun Gong broadcasted by the radio and TV?

My Answer: No, I do not. The TV and radio broadcast nothing but slander and fabrications.

They released me afterward, and I walked out of Masanjia righteously. All this is the result of Master's compassion and salvation.
