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Negate the Old Forces' Arrangements With Righteous Thoughts, Walk the Path Arranged by Teacher

May 19, 2004 |   By a Dafa practitioner from Mainland China


I have felt Teacher's benevolent care and constant hints for me many times. Teacher brought me back from the grasp of the old forces.

One day near the end of 2002, at 7 pm, I was on my way home from work. I was riding my bicycle, when suddenly, I felt dizzy and my limbs went weak. I could feel extremely bad things pressing down on me. I felt darkness in front of my eyes and I almost fainted. Right away, I realized that it was the old evil forces' persecution. I recalled that Teacher mentioned the signing of some kind of pact with the old forces. (Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A.) At that time I thought to myself, "No matter what kind of situation I agreed to, I will firmly negate the old forces' arrangements. I will firmly walk on the path arranged by Teacher. I am a Fa rectification period Dafa practitioner. I have righteous thoughts and righteous actions. Nobody can control me. I will ride my bicycle home on my own, for sure."

It took me 30 minutes to lock my bicycle and enter my home. I sat down on the sofa and could not move. My husband heated dumplings for me. I ate only 4 or 5 of them with difficulty. He went out to play mahjong, while I lay on the sofa, feeling drowsy and as if I were dying. My neighbor knocked at the door and all of a sudden, I became clear. I struggled to get up and managed to open the door. My neighbor was looking for my son to fix his television. He said the picture was not clear. Since my son was not home, he left. I lay back down on the sofa and became drowsy again. Suddenly, I understood that it was not the television picture that was unclear; it was me who was unclear about the Fa principles.

Teacher said:

"But it's not that you can't get rid of it. As I just said, even if sometime in history you did sign some kind of pact, if today your righteous thoughts are very strong, you don't recognize it, and you insist on not taking part in it, then you can in fact reject it. But this is a bit hard for you to handle in a case like this. What's hard is that the old forces won't let you go that easily, they'll try to take advantage of your gaps, and when you're just a little bit off they'll seize the opportunity. So when your righteous thoughts are very strong they can't take advantage of you, and this is because in Fa-rectification Dafa doesn't acknowledge the old forces' arrangements, and I, as your Master, don't acknowledge them either. Of course, each one of our Dafa disciples says that we don't recognize the old forces' arrangements, but that's not something you just say--you have to follow the requirements of Dafa and the Fa-rectification. 'I absolutely will not acknowledge any of those things you arranged in the past, old forces. I don't even acknowledge you.' When your righteous thoughts are very strong you can purge it and you can reject their arrangements. (Applause) And that's because we absolutely cannot acknowledge them." (Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A.)

I thought that I should not follow it. I would definitely follow the path arranged for me by Teacher. I struggled to get up. I sat down to send forth righteous thoughts and memorize the Fa. I eliminated the factors persecuting me from about 7 pm to past 1 am. I slowly recovered fully. I felt that my whole body become relaxed.

One day near the end of 2003, I was doing the sitting meditation when I heard the heater and other items producing noise. Afterwards, I felt many layers of evil pressing down on me. They were surrounding me. My head was pressed down as well, making it hard to breathe. I started reciting the Fa, sent forth righteous thoughts, strengthened them and eliminated every negative aspect in the universe. I felt myself making breakthroughs upward. I broke through many layers at unprecedented speeds. I did not realize how much time had passed, until I finally broke through all the surrounding pressure to emerge in a harmonious environment. I finally felt relaxed.

Now when I think back, those tribulations were actually nothing. However, at the time I felt as if sky were falling down on me. The blustering of evil minions and rotten demons, as well as, the true feeling of self seemed so real. Under powerful righteous thoughts and righteous actions, every negative aspect was broken into pieces and completely eliminated. Dafa practitioners' righteous thoughts come from the Fa. Studying the Fa well and understanding the Fa principles are the keys.

I wrote my experiences down and shared them because I have seen that some Dafa practitioners are in long term illness karma tribulations. I have even heard that two Dafa practitioners passed away due to "illness karma," so I wrote this down in a hurry.