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Summary of Other Articles and News - May 3, 2004

May 14, 2004 |  


Facts of the Persecution

A disabled Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Zanmei is 58 years old and from Henan Province, Qi County. During the more than four years of persecution, she has been repeatedly seized and detained. She was jailed for more than a year, and suffered inhuman treatment and brutal torture during that time. Her whole family suffered great losses mentally, physically and financially. The police rushed into the family's home many times and confiscated property, extorted money, illegally apprehended family members, and blackmailed them. Consequently, the family had to leave their home and live in exile to avoid further persecution.

Since the persecution of Falun Gong started in 1999, Shuangya City Dafa practitioner Pan Xingfu's family has suffered continual persecution. Pan Xingfu was arrested three times and dismissed by his employer without just cause. His mother was twice detained in a detention center, where she suffered force-feeding and other violent treatment. In January 2003, Pan's wife, Zhang Li, was sentenced to nine years in prison, and sent to Harbin Jail. His second eldest brother Pan Xingkun was sentenced to three years of forced labor in the Suihua Forced Labor Camp. Merciless torture has seriously damaged his heart and kidneys. Lingdong District practitioner Hu Yinjun and family were also severely persecuted for practicing Falun Gong. Hu Yinjun and son Hu Guangming went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong many times, and were repeatedly detained and sent to forced labor camps." Hu Guangming's wife divorced him under pressure from others. Hu Yinjun's daughter Hu Qili has been to Beijing to appeal four times, and sent to forced labor camps twice. She is still being detained at the Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp. Her husband Sun Hui is also being detained in the Suihua Forced Labor Camp. Their daughter Sun Ruyan, 16, was arrested by the police in April 2003, and sentenced to three years at the Harbin Women's Prison in July just because she lived with Falun Gong practitioners.

Dr. Wang Xinqing of Tongchen County, Hubei Province has been illegally apprehended, detained, sent for a forced labor camp and had money extorted again and again, just because he is steadfast in practicing Falun Gong. On April 6, 2004, the police again seized Dr. Wang while he was on his way to help a woman who was in the final stages of labor. First, he was tortured for several days and nights in the public security bureau, and then he was illegally detained in Tongchen County No. 1 Detention Center. On April 23, he was sent to a provincial brainwashing center for further persecution.

My name is Zhang Fugui, Dafa practitioner, male, 25 years old, living in Chengbei Village, Chengjiao Township, Taipusiqi County, Inner Mongolia. On June 20, 2001, policemen from Langfang City, Hebei Province apprehended me while I was clarifying the truth to people, then they sent me to Baoding City Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp. I was forced to do 12 hours of heavy labor every day, beaten and kicked for no reason. On January 1, 2003, the police called my family to pick me up. Because of the brutal treatment in the labor camp, the vision in both of my eyes was extremely weak and I could not even recognize people that were directly in front of me, my hearing ability had seriously declined, I was emaciated and felt dizzy, was unsteady when standing up, and had difficulty in breathing.

Mr. Li Min, 34, is from Fulin Village, Tonghe County, Heilongjiang Province. On October 25, 1999, when Li Min went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, he was detained at the Tonghe County Detention Center and then brutally tortured. In March 2000, Li Min was again arrested for telling people the facts about the persecution and taken to Tonghe County Detention Center. Here he was mercilessly beaten so that his whole body was covered in bruises, and he was unable to stand up. Three months later, he was sentenced to one year at Harbin Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp. On July 15, 2000, Li Min and other illegally detained practitioners went on a 12-day hunger strike to protest their treatment in the camp, and were force-fed by the police during this time. Li Min was released on March 15, 2001, but was continually monitored and harassed. Before the Party's 16th Congress Meeting was held in 2003, people deceived Li Min into going to a brainwashing center. He did not cooperate while there and walked out of the brainwashing center with righteous thoughts.

Shijiazhuang Xinhua Public Security Sub-bureau arrested Dafa practitioner Yu Jingxia just before the 2004 Chinese New Year. Because she became critically ill during her detention, the Xinhua Sub-bureau released her as they did not want to be held responsible for her death. On the morning of April 29, 2004, the sub-bureau took Yu Jingxia from her grandfather's home, and detained her in Shijiazhuang No. 2 Detention Center. Yu Jingxia's health was not yet fully restored, and she still had a fever on the day of her arrest. She is conducting a hunger strike to protest her detention.

On April 26, 2004, officers from the Zhaozhou County Heping Local Police Station illegally rushed the apartment of Daqing City Honggang District practitioner Wang Xiuping and arrested him. Wang Xiuping's activities had been reported by apartment owner. Another practitioner managed to escape. The police confiscated personal property valued at 7,500 yuan (1) and 7,500 yuan in cash. None of these items were returned to Wang.

Dafa practitioner Yang Wenhua is a teacher in Bashan Town No. 3 Primary School of Chongren County, Jiangxi Province. She regards fame and fortune lightly and works conscientiously. Because of her hard work, her students achieve outstanding results. However the local government ignored this teacher's good qualities, and sent her to jail. Since Yang Wenhua is being brutally persecuted in the jail, the school is also responsible.

I am Gao Honghai, (male, 30) and a Dafa practitioner in Chongqing. On March 11, 2000, I was detained by the police and held for 15 days using a fabricated charge of "disturbing social order." On June 20, 2000, I went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong. Later, on June 27, 2000, officers from the Chongqing Shapingba District Local Police Station detained me for 15 days, and then sent me to a brainwashing center where I was held for 30 days. On August 10, 2000, I was sent to Chongqing City Beibei District Xishanping Forced Labor Camp for one year, and this term was extended for a further 8 months. On June 14, 2002, I was detained in Chongqing City Gele Mountain brainwashing center for 81 days. Then officers from the Liaoning Province Beining City Liaotun Town Local Police Station came to pick me up. My parents were forced to pay 6,000 yuan for the officer's traveling expenses. Afterwards, I was detained in Beining City Detention Center for 8 days.

Crimes Committed by the Authorities

On February 28, 2003, Henan Province Qi County Shawo Village Local Police Station arrested Dafa practitioner Jia Zhongmin. Under the instruction of manager Jiao Guocheng, the police confiscated 2,300 yuan cash from Jia Zhongmin, and held him in Qi County Xiguan Detention Center for a month. On April 6, 2003, Jiao Guocheng again illegally sent Jia Zhongmin to Kaifeng for one year of forced labor." On March 23, 2004, Jia Zhongmin saw Jiao Guocheng and asked for the 2,300 yuan that was never returned to him. For this he was detained for 15 days. Jia Zhongmin refused to take food and water for 8 days, and finally walked out the detention center.

(1) yuan: Chinese currency. The monthly salary for an average Chinese urban worker is about 500 yuan.