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To Fellow Practitioners Who Are Unlawfully Imprisoned

April 29, 2004 |   By a Dafa Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently Teacher published two articles in a row. One was entitled "Stop the Evil Acts with Righteous Thoughts," and the other "Eliminate the Dark Minions with Righteous Thoughts." From what I have enlightened to, I realize that the Fa-rectification has now entered a new era.

In these articles, Teacher taught us why and how we can eliminate the persecution through sending forth righteous thoughts. He made especially clear in the second article - "Eliminate the Dark Minions with Righteous Thoughts" - how falsely imprisoned Dafa practitioners in jails should act when they are being persecuted.

As Dafa practitioners, we should have a good understanding of these articles, whether we are unlawfully jailed, persecuted and forced to leave home, or are still at home.

Teacher has never acknowledged the arrangements made by the old forces. As Teacher's disciples and Dafa practitioners in the Fa-rectification period, we have even less of a reason to recognize anything arranged by the evils of old forces.

Teacher has always emphasized in his lectures that practitioners must look within themselves, no matter what the situation is. I also feel that when a practitioner encounters problems or is persecuted by the evil, he must look within himself. He must ask himself why the evil is persecuting him, and whether he has accomplished what Teacher has said, "you have abandoned all of your attachments and none of them remain." ("Cultivation Practice is Not Politics," Falun Dafa Essentials For Further Advancement)

If we constantly hold strong righteous thoughts, look within ourselves when we encounter any problems or tribulations, and give up every attachment, how can the evil possibly dare to persecute us at all? In each lecture, Teacher has stressed the importance of studying the Falun Dafa teachings. Teacher taught us,

"Your righteous thoughts and everything you accomplish come from the Fa, so no matter how busy you are, don't neglect Fa-study." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A."),

and, "The Fa can break all attachments, the Fa can destroy all evil, the Fa can shatter all lies, and the Fa can strengthen righteous thoughts." ("Drive Out Interference," July 5, 2000)

We should ask ourselves, "Do we hold strong righteous thoughts? Do we act like a as Teacher wrote, 'As Tall as Heaven and Incomparably Noble'? Do we openly and nobly regard ourselves as Dafa practitioners? Do we firmly uphold our belief in Teacher and in Dafa?" We are the Teacher's direct disciples, we are Dafa practitioners in Fa-rectification. In the book Zhuan Falun, Teacher told us,

"If you are a true practitioner, our Falun will safeguard you. I am rooted in the universe. If anyone can harm you, he or she would be able to harm me. Put simply, that person would be able to harm this universe."

Dear fellow practitioners, why shall we acknowledge the arrangements of old forces while Teacher never did? Some practitioners might respond, "I have never acknowledged their arrangements." Then, why did you follow what the wicked policemen and the bad people said when you were imprisoned in forced labor camps or in jails? Why did you do forced labor when they told you to do it? Why didn't you go to sleep when they forced you not to sleep? Why did you stop studying the Falun Dafa principles as they ordered? When you did what the evil said, you were basically acknowledging the arrangements of the old forces.

Teacher taught us,

"Why should you, a Dafa disciple, fear the evil ones when enduring persecution? The crux of the matter is that you have attachments. If not, do not endure passively, and face the evil people with righteous thoughts at all times. No matter what the situation, do not cooperate with the evil's demands, orders, or what it instigates. If everyone does this the environment won't be this way." ("Dafa Practitioners' Righteous Thoughts are Powerful")

A Dafa Practitioner must not acknowledge any arrangement by the old forces.

Some practitioners did get out of the evil imprisonment a few hours after they were abducted, thanks to their strong righteous thoughts. On the other hand, some practitioners were sent to forced labor camps, sentenced to long jail terms, or not released but extended for their jail terms when they were actually due. Have we thought about the reason behind these? When fellow practitioners were being persecuted in jails, did you regard yourself as a Dafa practitioner? Teacher said,

"Even when an ordinary person shouts out 'Falun Dafa is good' today, Teacher will protect him." ("Teaching and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference")

Let alone we are the Teacher's direct disciples. In fact, when we don't have strong righteous thoughts, it is because we have not sufficiently studied the Falun Dafa teachings or sent forth righteous thoughts.

In every lecture, Teacher teaches us to study the Fa teachings. If we cannot reach the state Teacher requires us in studying the Fa and sending forth righteous thoughts, we must increase the frequency of sending forth righteous thoughts. We must firmly believe in Teacher, and believe in Dafa. We must meet Teacher's requirement of sending forth righteous thoughts. If we can't, we have to find the reasons. If Teacher says we can, we must be able to do so. It's just a matter of how much effort we have made. As Teacher taught us,

"When you conduct yourselves righteously Master can do anything for you." (Touring North America to Teach the Fa)

I have read many articles on Clearwisdom.net demonstrating that the stronger righteous thoughts a practitioner has, the less likely the wicked policemen and bad people dare to persecute him/her. Dear jailed fellow practitioners: please hurry up and cultivate more diligently. Teacher has been looking forward to your cultivation for stronger righteous thoughts and towards a truly magnificent Godhood. Your fellow practitioners are also looking forward to your getting out of the evils' trap. You must not suffer the persecution passively. With your righteous thoughts, your supernormal capabilities, and everything you have obtained throughout your cultivation, you can certainly suppress the evil. The evil will have no effect on you when you have strong righteous thoughts. As Teacher taught us,

"Though you may find one that has practiced cultivation for nearly one thousand years, a tiny finger will be more than enough to crush it." (Zhuan Falun)

Dear fellow practitioners, as long as we firmly believe in Dafa, believe in Teacher, we can walk out of the arrangements in the old universe, shake off the bindings by the old forces, and deny any of their arrangements. Because we are Dafa practitioners, only Teacher arranges our paths of cultivation. We must not acknowledge the arrangements by the old forces.

Teacher taught us in his article "Stop the Evil Acts with Righteous Thoughts" dated February 15,

"When you are persecuted in any way you can use righteous thoughts to turn the tables on the bad people and stop the persecution. And this includes those who assault the students with punches and kicks: strong righteous thoughts can make the person's punches and kicks land on himself, or make the wicked policemen and the bad people lash out against each other, and they can transfer all the pain and injuries over to the wicked person or policeman who assaults you. But the premise is that you have strong righteous thoughts, no fear, and no human attachments, apprehension, or hatred; only when you're in that state will it be effective, and it will take effect as soon as your thoughts emerge. While sending righteous thoughts, don't panic or be afraid, and as long as that wicked person keeps being violent, keep sending righteous thoughts. This is not to be done with anyone or anything else in the world outside of the persecution. The basis of what Dafa disciples do is saving people and doing good. These righteous thoughts are to stop wicked people from doing evil, to warn other bad people, and to prevent the world's people from committing sins, and their purpose is still to save all beings."

In Zhuan Falun, Teacher taught us,

"After attending our Falun Dafa class, a practitioner in Beijing could not press anything with his hands. When he was shopping for a baby carriage, he was surprised that the baby carriage would collapse with a crash when he checked its sturdiness with his hands. When he went home and sat in a chair, he could not press it with his hands. If he did, the chair would break. He asked me what was going on. I did not tell him because I did not want him to develop an attachment. I just said that it was all natural, let it be, and ignore it since it was all good. If that supernormal ability is used well, a piece of rock could be smashed into powder with a pinch of his hand."

In His new article, Teacher once again affirmed our abilities. Now it is a matter of how we can achieve what Teacher required of us--to stop the evil acts with righteous thoughts.

Let us keep in mind that we are Dafa practitioners. We must maintain our strong righteous thoughts to avoid being manipulated by the evil. How could any tiny jail cells possibly lock up the power of Dafa practitioners?

This is what I have enlightened to. Fellow practitioners, please point out any mistakes.