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Summary of Other Articles and News -- April 14, 2004

April 23, 2004 |  


Persecution Facts

Persecution cases in the Xinlin Guolemeng area, Inner Mongolia: Dafa practitioner Shi Jun from Zhengxiangbai Qi was abducted and persecuted for one month in 2000 and was fined 5,000 Yuan. In 2001 he was again abducted and persecuted for more than 40 days and was later sent to the Hohhot Prison.

Practitioner Zhang Jinxia from Zhengxiangbai Qi was sent to Hohhot Female Prison, Inner Mongolia.

Practitioner Zhao Xiuhua from Zhengxiangbai Qi was detained for one month in 2000 and fined 3,000 Yuan. In 2001, she was sent to a brainwashing class and later sent to a labor camp in Inner Mongolia.

Ms. Chen Yu is in her 30s and works at Hengshui City's Boiler Company in Hebei Province. Ms. Liu Hongluan is 39 years old and is a teacher at the No. 2 Middle School in Hengshui City. These two practitioners were abducted on January 2, 2004 by perpetrators from Hengshui City "610 Office" and Police Department. Also abducted were practitioner Mr. Sun Liangsheng who is in his 40s and is also a teacher at the No. 2 Middle School; Kang Yanxiang, the husband of practitioner Liu Hongluan and a member of the Hengshui City Science Academy; Ni Xuebing, the husband of practitioner Chen Yu and a taxi driver.

On March 10, 2004, practitioner Zhao Hongying was arrested at home. Practitioner Xia Shige was reported when distributing Dafa truth clarification materials on the evening of March 13, 2004, and is currently being held at Jizhou City's Detention Center. On the evening of January 2, 2004, police officers from Hengshui City broke into the home of Dafa practitioner Liu Qianli and tried to abduct him but failed, so they arrested Dafa practitioner Shi Wentong instead. In the past three months, police officers and National Security Bureau officials constantly harassed Liu Qianli at his home.

On February 27, 2001, Dafa practitioner Sun Fengxin in Kangping County, Liaoning Province was sent to the Longshan Labor Camp in Shenyang City where she was detained for three years. She suffered various tortures. The perpetrators forced her to squat for a long time, sometimes with her arms up and her buttocks up, sometimes half squatting like a frog, and also they forced her to stand facing the wall; they didn't allow her to sleep and took turns brainwashing her. They additionally beat and kicked her and forced her to work 12 to 16 hours daily.

Dafa practitioner Sun Yuzhen in Dengshahe Town, Dalian City, Liaoning Province went to Beijing numerous times to appeal for Falun Dafa and was detained. On April 24, 2002, police officers from Dengshahe Town's Police Station broke into her home and took her to the police station. In the afternoon they took her to the Jinzhou District Detention Center. Sun Yuzhen held a hunger strike and was force-fed. She held a 44-day hunger strike and was eventually released unconditionally.

Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhou Jingcheng is 44 years old and had lived in Ningxiang, Changsha City, Hunan Province. In July 1999, Zhou Jincheng was arrested by agents from Ningxiang National Security Bureau, held for more than ten days and additionally extorted 5,000 Yuan. In December 1999, Zhou Jingcheng went to Beijing to appeal and was sent to the Ningxiang Detention Center. Mr. Zhou was extorted 15,000 Yuan and held for one month. In 2000, police officers went to his home three times to harass him and again illegally detained him. In December 2000 they sentenced him to two years of forced labor. He was sent to the Xinkaipu Labor Camp in Changsha City and was released on May 28, 2002. In June 2002, Zhou Jingcheng was again detained and was sentenced to two years of forced labor on October 28. During this time, his family was extorted 5,000 Yuan.

News from Overseas

On April 3, 2004, Mississippi State University held an international celebration. Local Falun Gong practitioners seized the opportunity to tell people about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China. Almost everyone who approached the exhibit happily accepted the paper lotuses and flyers about Falun Gong. Some people also asked questions about the persecution.