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The Jiang Group's Economic Enticement and Political Intimidation Further Expose Its Evil Nature

April 18, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Jiang's political group has persecuted Falun Gong for nearly five years now. This persecution is not only limited to Falun Gong practitioners, but also affects many people who support or sympathize with Falun Gong practitioners' human rights. Even governments are being deceived by the Jiang group's lies. Because of its economic enticement, as well as political intimidation, they are faced with choices of morality and conscience. To achieve its evil goal of completely eradicating Falun Gong, Jiang's group has pulled out all the stops in its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

Denying the Facts

It is reported that during the 60th Session of the UN Human Rights Commission taking place in Geneva from March to April, the Chinese Government has sent a delegation of more than 500 people and some government controlled 'NGOs' to spread diverse lies to various countries' governments. In a forum in which the US Mission to the United Nations introduced a resolution condemning China's human rights, the Chinese officials even claimed that China's current human rights status is "by far the best," and mentioned that the next human rights conference will be held in China in this coming October, regardless of the huge amount of accumulated evidence proving that Falun Gong practitioners, religious groups and ethnic minority groups are being cruelly persecuted. However, when the U.S. delegation raised the suggestion that those who are being persecuted in forced labor camps be allowed to attend the human rights conference, these Chinese officials suddenly became dumbfounded.

On the information desk in the hall of the United Nations, there were many propaganda materials extolling the lies fabricated by Jiang's group. Most of the content was slanderous information attacking Falun Gong and denying brainwashing, as well as other mental persecution practices against Falun Gong practitioners. Jiang's group also spread anti-Falun Gong information by holding a press conference, as well as displaying anti-Falun Gong posters, books and CDs outside the entrance of the UN.

On April 5th, in a forum organized by the Chinese delegation and attended by only ten countries, the US delegation brought up the fact that China's human rights situation is worse than ever before. Nonetheless, the Chinese delegation continued to deny all the allegations, claimed that China's human rights status is "by far the best," and declared that it would stop the human rights dialogue with the US. With that, the US delegation walked out of the conference in disgust.

Without a Care for National Dignity and Image

At the end of March, the US introduced a resolution at the UN Human Rights Commission condemning China's human rights abuses. According to the tradition of the UNHRC, only when the conference is approaching its end would all the nations discuss the motions raised at the conference, including the No Action Motion. In the past, the No Action Motion moved by China to defer the resolution condemning its human rights abuses were also raised at the end of the conference. But this year, as soon as the U.S. introduced the resolution, the Chinese Government hastily moved the No Action Motion.

During this session of the UN Human Rights Commission, some of the Chinese government-controlled 'NGOs' also attracted the attention of other participants. Take the so-called "United Nations Association of China" (UNAC) for example. When attending a forum organized by this 'NGO', the performance of UNAC's members caused concern to other participants. They took turns to stand up to speak in order to take up the time allotted to others to talk. On the other hand, they took advantage of this opportunity of the Question and Answer Session to spread lies fabricated by the Chinese government in order to create a false image that China's human rights situation is very good.

Given that, in a forum held by the NGO, Nicolay from the "Human Rights in China"(HRIC) said: "It appears that China is not satisfied with the control over its domestic media, but it also extends the control to overseas, and even obstructs the NGO's forum in the UN through the government-controlled 'NGO'." This aroused the audience's warm applause. Apparently, the intention of China's 'NGO' is known to everybody.

The Epoch Times recently disclosed that, according to the findings of an international investigation organization, the China Anti-cult Association is actually a government agency directly controlled by the Chinese government. This Association pretended to be a non-governmental organization and carried out some deceitful activities in the UNHRC. The actions that the Chinese Government has taken to deceive the United Nations have aroused grave concern in Geneva.

Mr. Liu, who teaches at a university in Washington DC, said, "Rather than listen to critical opinions, the Chinese Government used shameful tactics to influence international opinion and smooth over criticisms. This is gravely detrimental to China's image. If every country controls and funds this kind of 'NGO' and sends them to the United Nations Human Rights Commission, none of the world's human rights issues will be upheld, and the world will become degenerate, dark and sorrowful."

Ms. Qi, a Falun Gong practitioner from Geneva, said, "Staff at the United Nations told a Falun Gong practitioner that they saw a person of oriental appearance tearing down a notice of a conference held by an NGO and attended by Falun Gong practitioners from a UN bulletin board. When approached and asked why he did so, the person wandered away without saying anything."

A Falun Gong practitioner from Virginia, where he is a software engineer, Mr. Chen, said, "The deplorable practices that China's Jiang group has employed, without caring for national dignity and image, has let people further understand what the regime that is persecuting Falun Gong is all about. On the other hand, it also indicates how fearful the regime is of the voice of justice from the international community."

Disregard of national interest

To date, no motions regarding China's human rights practices introduced by the US to the UN Human Rights Conference in the past have ever been successfully submitted to a plenary assembly for voting. China often mobilized some small nations in Asia and Africa, with huge economic interest, to make the "No Action Motion" pass through the voting session. For instance, during Jiang Zemin's visit to South America, China provided several hundred million dollars to one South American country. It is said that this country's mission to the United Nations has been lobbying other countries to support the No Action Motion against the resolution introduced by the US to condemn China's human rights practices.

It is reported that Jiang's group has negotiated repeatedly with the US government over the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin, and tried to pressure the US with economic interest, and threaten it to revoke the lawsuit. Lawyer Terri Marsh expressed that these forms of interference will never be accepted in the US, which is a democratic nation with an independent judicial system.

Regarding this matter, Mr. Chen said, "Jiang's group is exchanging Chinese people's hard-earned money for other countries' collusion and to further the persecution of Chinese people. On the other hand, it is also a kind of persecution against these countries' governments as well as their people, because they are forced to do something against their own conscience and moral judgment, and even become the accomplices of these persecutors."

The undeniable facts

On April 2, 2004, during the UN Human Rights Commission, the US Mission to the United Nations held a consultation on the China resolution that the U.S. was going to introduce to the UNHRC for voting. In the consultation, Falun Gong practitioners Zhao Ming and Zhang Cuiying explained their harrowing experiences of being jailed and cruelly tortured in China's forced labor camps. Australian practitioner Dai Zhizhen, along with her four-year-old daughter, talked about her husband, who was persecuted to death because he practiced Falun Gong. Her father-in-law also died because he was unable to overcome his sorrow over this miserable news. When she explained that she was even unable to get a visa to go back to China to attend her mother's funeral simply because she practiced Falun Gong, many of those present were moved to tears. Some even wanted to donate some money to help and support her.

Australian attorney Chris Nyst, who is Zhang Cuiying's lawyer in the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin in Australia, departed for Geneva on the 6th of this month to report about the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong to UN Human Rights Commission. Originally he didn't know much about Falun Gong, but through this lawsuit and communication with Falun Gong practitioners, he has come to know more about the facts, and holds Falun Gong practitioners in high esteem for all they have persevered through. He said: "Even if the resolution condemning China's human rights practices is not passed this year, we can do it next year. If it fails next year, we can try it the year after that. No matter if it needs ten or twenty more years, we will come to Geneva to support this resolution every year as long as it isn't passed." When asked about the prospects of the lawsuit against Jiang in Australia, he expressed that there is a need to let the Australian Government understand more about the facts of this persecution.

A Falun Gong practitioner from Washington D.C., Mr. Liu, indicated that, "With the Jiang group's economic enticement and political intimidation, many countries didn't side with justice, morality and conscience, due to a lack of understanding of Falun Gong, or even due to the misunderstanding of Falun Gong as a result of the lies spread by the Chinese Government. We are working with our hearts while they are bribing other countries with money. As soon as the people and governments of various countries thoroughly understand the facts of this persecution, Jiang's group will not be able to do these things any longer."

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200404/19054.html