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Practitioners' Words and Deeds Validate Dafa

April 18, 2004 |   By a Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) On the last day of 2003 in the Chinese lunar calendar, I intended to use the opportunity of taking a taxi to introduce Falun Dafa to the driver. However, he stopped me when I had only mentioned the words "Falun Gong." He said, "Elder sister [a polite form of address for a woman about one's own age], to tell you honestly, I once had no idea what Falun Gong was. One day, I was ferrying an elder sister, and she spoke to me about Falun Gong all the way. Before departing, she even gave me a VCD. After she got off the taxi and left, however, I realized that she did not pay the taxi fare." After listening to the driver's narration up to this point, I hurriedly joined in, "I think she must have forgotten." At the same time, I felt awful in my heart. Then the taxi driver continued, "I thought at the time, 'It's my own fault for forgetting to ask for the fare,' and I resigned myself to the loss. I then turned my car around and began to drive back. I did not drive far when I noticed another taxi chasing after me. After pulling over, I found that it was the Falun Gong elder sister, and she had come especially to give me the taxi fare. I was so moved that I did not know what to say."

Although I felt bad a moment ago, upon hearing the driver's words, I was deeply touched by the noble action of this fellow practitioner. The driver said, "I really did not know what to say. If I were in her position, I would not have been able to bring myself to do something like that. I know this for certain. That incident made me firmly believe that Falun Gong is good!"

I then said in my heart, "My dear fellow practitioner, you do not know how many sentient beings your words and deeds have saved!" Finally, the taxi reached my destination. However, the driver was still talking to me about Falun Gong, and it seemed as though he was in no hurry to leave. You should realize that it had taken me a long time to find this taxi. The eve of the Chinese lunar New Year is a very busy time when people do their New Year shopping, and is also the best time for taxi drivers to earn more money. Therefore, it was obvious that the incident had left a very deep impression on this taxi driver.

A life has been saved. He will cherish very much what he has learned. Won't he tell others of his experience? When people all learn the truth of Falun Dafa, will the evil have any ground to exist on? Dafa practitioners' words and deeds are watched by all beings. When Dafa practitioners are doing well and in line with the Fa, they are validating and promoting Dafa with their own actions.