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More Solemn Declarations

April 15, 2004 |  


Solemn Declaration

I've taken the long way in the journey of Fa-rectification. Because of my lack of understanding of the principles, because of my lack of strong righteous thoughts, and because of my desire to complete tasks, the police arrested me and sent me to the detention center four times, and fined me three times in the last couple of years. They illegally sentenced me to a forced labor camp twice. In August 2002, I was giving out materials clarifying the truth of Falun Gong when the police arrested me. They brutally beat me with electric batons and demanded to know where I had gotten the materials. My heart was very righteous at that moment, and I think Teacher took the burden for me, so they didn't get the information they wanted. They sentenced me to two years in a forced labor camp because I wouldn't give up my faith, and then they continued to persecute me. In the forced labor camp practitioners are persecuted using secretive and poisonous methods. The guards pretend to be kind but then deprive us of sleep and forcefully brainwash us. Those former Falun Gong practitioners who have turned against Dafa due to brainwashing and torture, and enlightened along an evil path, would expound on deviant principles here and there. Because I still had a lot of human notions and demonic interference in my own mind, I felt that I was very steadfast toward Dafa. But I slowly began to feel that those who had enlightened along the evil path had some good points. In time I went over to their side. I wrote the "Three Statements" renouncing Falun Dafa and did what a practitioner should not do. I followed the wrong path, and I didn't know that I was going against Dafa. Then, through Teacher's compassionate hints, fellow practitioners' kind help, and my earnest reading of the Falun Dafa principles and scriptures, I was able to return to Falun Dafa in January 2004. I awoke from the nightmare and sincerely regretted what I had done. I realized that I had been wrong; I had let the evil take advantage of me and betrayed Dafa. I solemnly declare that I denounce the persecutors' brainwashing. The things I said and wrote during the brainwashing sessions are null and void. I will do my best to expose the crimes committed against practitioners and rectify myself. I will refuse the old forces' arrangements, eliminate the evils with my righteous thoughts, let go of my attachment to my selfish heart, and genuinely understand the Fa from the standpoint of the Fa. I will follow the pace of Fa-rectification and accept Teacher's compassionate salvation. I want to thank Teacher for his great compassion and salvation. I will do the three things correctly (send forth righteous thoughts, clarify the truth, and study the principles) and compensate for the damage I've committed against Dafa.

By Sheng Fuhua, March 5, 2004


Solemn Declaration

After July 20, 1999 I focused on one thought: to say "a few words of justice for Teacher and Dafa." In 2000, I was severely tested by the evil. My company fired me and my husband kicked me out. Because of my shallow understanding of Dafa, I didn't know how to handle these situations and just accepted them passively. I faced a lot of contradictions during that time. Why did I always fall down? When my persecutors asked me critical questions, why did I cloud the issues with rhetoric? Today, as a result of Teacher's compassionate hints, I have found the poisonous root that was deeply hidden: it was the fact that I couldn't let go of myself. I don't know how to explain the feeling I had when I thought about my unconscious weighing of Dafa and Fa-rectification against my selfish heart. I felt glad even though it's a bit late. I will dedicate myself to Fa-rectification. I will do the three things correctly to compensate for my mistakes. I hereby declare null and void all the rhetoric I used when being pressured by the professional persecutors and all the guarantees and acts that my family wrote and committed that are against Dafa.

Declared by Zheng Yinyue

March 12, 2004
