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Dr. Zhu Mingchun of Miyi County, Sichuan Province is Illegally Sentenced to 8-Years in Prison

April 13, 2004 |  


Zhu Mingchun, is a 43-year-old doctor from Miyi County, Sichuan Province. In 2000, when the persecution of Falun Gong was only a few months old, Zhu Mingchun overcame enormous difficulties and went to Beijing to appeal. He was arrested on the train and sent back to Miyi County Public Security Bureau and detained illegally for 1 month. He was also fired from his position as Chairman of the Medical Administration Office. His family was forced to pay 1,000 yuan to bail him out.

If Zhu wished to return to work he was required to write a letter denouncing Falun Gong. Facing frequent harassment and unreasonable infringements on his rights, Zhu Mingchun was forced into homelessness in May 2002.

In November 2002 he was arrested again in Huili and detained in the Miyi County Detention Center for over one year. In November 2003, Zhu was illegally sentenced to 8 years in prison, and in January 2004, he was sent to Leshan City Wumaping Prison. He escaped en route, but was caught and detained under strict supervision in Leshan City Wumaping Prison. Currently he is being held at Miyi County Detention Center and his term has been extended. The police do not allow his family to meet him, and we do not know how much abuse he has suffered. We hope all kind-hearted people pay attention to his case.

Miyi County Detention Center: 86-812-8172367

Public Security Team: 86-812-8171988

Zhu Chenglong, Chairman of Miyi County Detention Center: 86-812-8172367 (Office)

Xu Xiaolin, Vice Chairman of Miyi Detention Center: 86-135 18418198 (Cell), 86-812-6933266

Li Guohong, Miyi County Public Security Bureau: 86-812-8174736, 86-812-8174832

Tang Juzhou, Principal of Miyi County Court: 86-13982327798 (Cell), 86-1388238555

Jia Yisheng, Vice Principal of Miyi County Court: 86-812-8172614 (Home)

Kang Feng, Miyi County People's procuratorates: 86-139 08145036 (Cell), 86-812-6934036

Yang Zhengyun, 86-13550902119 (Cell), Zhu Zhengfu: 86-13618165408

(Cell), Miyi County People's procuratorates

Cheng Mingheng, in Charge of the Criminal Interrogation Court of Miyi County Court 86-812-8171749 (Home)

Tian Dongyu, Working for the Criminal Interrogation Court of Miyi County Court: 86-812-8175002 (Home), 86-812-8174181

Kuang Shaoming, Vice XX Party Secretary of Miyi County Legal and Administration Committee: 86-812-8172481

Gao Yucheng, Office of Miyi County Legal and Administration Committee: 86-812-8175087 (Home)

Panzhihua City Office of General Administration: 86-812-3342033

Panzhihua City Public Security Bureau: 86-110-3332884
