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Banners With Truth-Clarifying Phrases Appear in Many Places in China During the Chinese New Year Holidays

March 04, 2004 |  


Practitioners hang one hundred banners with truth-clarifying phrases for the Lantern Festival on February 5, 2004, Hebei Province

On the evening of February 4, 2004, Dafa practitioners in one county worked as a team and hung or posted a hundred banners on the county's major streets with the phrases "Falun Dafa is Great," "Falun Dafa is a Righteous Way," "Falun Gong is Practiced Worldwide," "Good is Rewarded, Evil Provokes Retribution," "Bring Jiang to Justice Around the World," etc. These activities inspired enthusiastic and significant collaboration among the practitioners.

Dozens of banners appear on the 1st day of Chinese New Year in Daqing City

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, there were dozens of Dafa banners hung in a certain district of Daqing City. The district police met with Dafa practitioners and said, "We usually take them down, but we did not today. Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year and God is protecting us. We know that Falun Dafa is great and you are good people too. We have to follow orders and we do not have any choice."

Over five hundred Dafa banners appear on the night of Lantern Festival in a city of Jilin Province

Before the Lantern Festival, Dafa practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts together. One practitioner worked to make banners day and night for two days for the holiday. One man single-handedly made three hundred forty-four banners with the phrases "Falun Dafa is a Righteous Way," "Falun Dafa is Great," "The world needs Truth-Compassion-Tolerance," and "Bring Jiang to Justice Around the World." There were five hundred banners made for the holiday altogether. Working as a team, the practitioners hung the banners in the streets of the city. The banners, bright yellow in color, expressed the beauty of Dafa, and awakened the kindness in people. The authorities were shocked by this activity and many people were able to learn the truth about Falun Dafa.

A Dafa banner is hung near a brainwashing class in Sichuan Province

Practitioners in a certain county hung a Dafa banner on a tree near a brainwashing center. The banner had the phrases "Bring Jiang to Justice Around the World" and "Falun Dafa is a Righteous Way." A banner with the phrase "Falun Dafa is Great" was posted on the back wall of the brainwashing class.

A Dafa practitioner went to the county detention center and saw truth-clarifying phrases printed on the wall inside of the center. The phrases read "Falun Dafa is Great," "Falun Dafa is a Righteous Way," "Bring Jiang to Justice Around the World," "Good is Rewarded and Evil Provokes Retribution," "Unconditionally release the good people who have been arrested, detained or sent to forced labor because they practice Truth-Compassion-Tolerance" and "Leaders of the '610 Office' will be exposed for persecuting Dafa practitioners and punished by the law."

On the morning of February 11, about 550 yards from the intersection towards the direction of Anju, in the middle of a busy road, practitioners hung a big banner about 5.5 yards (20 feet) long with the phrase "Jiang Zemin is sued in international courts." Police surrounded the banner and couldn't do anything. The site attracted many people.