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Switzerland: A Choir Performs in the Geneva Spring Rain (Photos)

March 31, 2004 |   By a German Falun Gong practitioner

(Clearwsidom.net) On March 14, the eve of the United Nations Human Rights Commission, the streets of Geneva were busy with people despite continuous rain. From afar, I heard the sound of singing. Following the voices, I found a wonderful street-concert taking place in the rain.

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The music came from a Falun Gong information stand not far from the train station. Some members from the European "Coming For You" choir were performing their repertoire for the city residents at various information stands set up by Falun Gong practitioners on the street. Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world had set up information stands at many places in the busy city of Geneva. They braved the rain to demonstrate the exercises and hand out flyers. This is the fifth year they have persisted in coming here to appeal for attention to the brutal persecution of Falun Gong taking place in China.

The song "Coming For You" attracted many residents, tourists and representatives participating in the Human Rights Commission. They stopped to listen and accepted information handed out by practitioners without hesitation.

The choir was formed at the end of last year and is made up of Falun Gong practitioners from different parts of Europe. Within a short period of time, the chorus has taken part in all three worldwide Chinese gala concerts organized by the New Tang Dynasty television station, held in New York and Paris. They were also invited to participate in a concert organized by the International Human Rights Organization in Geneva.

Before the night of the actual performance, they volunteered to perform for residents and tourists on the streets of Geneva. Despite the rain their spirits were not dampened. Just by seeing their serious, intense expressions and listening to their unselfconscious singing, one could feel that they were performing from their hearts.

The song was performed in five different languages. There were many westerners amongst the choir but they sang in Mandarin with clear and accurate pronunciation. Some had even been to Tiananmen Square to appeal to the Chinese Government to stop the persecution of Falun Gong. They paid their own expenses to perform in various places in order to let people understand what is happening in China and to call for an end to this prolonged persecution of Falun Gong.

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200403/18662.html