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Solemn Declarations by Non-Practitioners

March 30, 2004 |  


Solemn Declaration

In October 1999, my elderly wife was detained in the detention center for practicing Falun Gong. As I was unaware of the facts of Falun Gong at that time, I wrote the "guarantee statement"[1] in her name. Now that I know the facts of Falun Gong, I know that Falun Gong is good and what I did was wrong. I let Dafa down, and I let Teacher down. Now I solemnly declare that the "guarantee statement" is null and void! From now on, I will clarify the truth to make up for the loss I caused Dafa.

Falun Gong practitioner's relative, Li Yaoshan

March 2004

(From http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2004/3/9/69514.html)

Solemn Declaration

In March 2001, my mother was persecuted for her Falun Gong practice. She became homeless to avoid being illegally arrested for her belief. The neighborhood committee and local police station personnel often came to me demanding I reveal my mother's whereabouts. They compelled me to write the "guarantee statement." At that time I thought that writing a "guarantee statement" did not mean anything. However, now I realize that, although neither my mother nor I had done anything wrong at that time, I should not have written the so-called "guarantee statement." Ever since my mother started practicing Falun Gong, she has benefited greatly, both mentally and physically. In addition, she applies the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" to educate me. What is wrong with that? The "guarantee statement" I wrote aided and abetted the evildoers. I hereby declare the statement I wrote is null and void! I will redouble my effort to make up for the loss I caused Dafa.

A Falun Gong practitioner's Daughter, Ma Xuying

March 8, 2004

(From http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2004/3/10/69638.html)

Solemn Declaration

I was terrified when the authorities had tortured my mother before. Because of that, and because I did not quite understand the facts about Falun Dafa, I did something wrong. I was very much afraid that the cruel authorities would further persecute my mother, I therefore unwillingly wrote the "guarantee statement," to conform to their demands. Now I realize that doing such is like committing a crime against Falun Dafa. I declare that the "guarantee statement" I wrote for my mother is null and void. From now on, I will do what Dafa practitioners do: clarify the truth, safeguard Dafa and do everything according to "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" to make up for the loss I caused Dafa.

Falun Gong practitioner's daughter Zhang Min

March 9, 2004

(From http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2004/3/10/69638.html)

Solemn Declaration

At the end of 2000, my mother was going to Beijing to tell people "Falun Dafa is great." The authorities arrested her as soon as she boarded the train. They locked her in jail. In addition, she was sentenced to a two-year prison term. When that happened, my father had a heart attack, and grandmother could not stop crying. My family was broken.

We tried everywhere to find whoever was in charge. We spent several thousand Yuan and also wrote the "three statements." [renouncing Falun Gong] Only after doing so were we allowed to go through the necessary procedures to get mother released. For the sake of mother and our family, I thought that as long as my mother could come home, I would do anything. My father and I copied the version of this document the police gave us, and then we passed the hurdle.

During the past few years we have been thinking that we should declare to Dafa and Teacher that we were wrong in doing that. We let Teacher down. We let Dafa down. Everything that we did or said that did not accord with Dafa is null and void. We will redouble our effort to make up for the loss we caused Dafa. We will remain steadfast in Dafa and support Dafa disciples, to continue with their cultivation.

Tian Jing

March 3, 2004

(From http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2004/3/11/69692.html)

Solemn Declaration

Although I am not a Falun Gong practitioner, my wife is. When I allowed the officials' propaganda to poison my thinking, I signed my wife's name to give in to the wicked people. After knowing the truth, I deeply feel the disrespect of my behavior toward Dafa. Although I have not studied the Fa, I believe that someday in the future I will be a sincere Dafa practitioner. Hence, I declare to the world that the signature I signed and everything I did that was disrespectful to Dafa is null and void. I will redouble my effort to retrieve the loss I made to Dafa.

Liu Chunxiang

March 10, 2004

(From http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2004/3/11/69692.html)


I'm an elementary school student. My mother practices Falun Dafa. During the Chinese New Year of 2001, Jiang's regime lied on TV. They showed TV program and videos of self-immolation on Tiananmen Square. They forced all schools and work units to write articles to "criticize and reject" Falun Gong. Whether they wanted or not, teachers had to motivate their students. At that time, my mother was arrested and sentenced to forced labor, so she was unable to tell me the facts about Falun Dafa at that time. Being young and ignorant, I mistakenly trusted the lies on TV and what my schoolteacher said. I wrote two articles in a daze. One article was an "understanding" report after hearing our schoolteacher's speech. Somehow, the teacher forwarded my report to the school TV station to be read on TV. The other article I wrote was about my impression after watching a so-called "education movie" that "criticized" Falun Gong. Our schoolteachers also asked me to make such kind of "reports" out of town. My father steadfastly refused, therefore I did not go. Later on, my mother was released after three years of imprisonment. She told me the facts of Falun Gong. I realized that the "self-immolation" was fabricated to defame Falun Gong. Suddenly I realized what had happened. But in fear that mother would scold me, I did not tell mother what I did at school. Mother always wanted me to know that Falun Gong was great. I really benefited. One evening, I suffered from vomiting and diarrhea. My stomach was feeling horrible, and I was in a cold sweat. Medicine would not work. Finally I lay on bed and asked Teacher to help me. In the meanwhile, I silently murmured, "Falun Dafa is great! Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is great!" My stomach really didn't hurt anymore. In another occasion, I twisted my ankle. After searching inside, I found out that I had done something wrong. I decided to sincerely mend my ways. At the same time, I asked Teacher to help me. Sure enough, the situation of my ankle became much better. In addition, the wound was much milder than would have been expected. Through these things, I completely understand that Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa, and it is magnificent. I regret that I said and wrote those things before that were not good toward Dafa. Now I am declaring that all those things are null and void. I will redouble my effort to make up, and retrieve the loss I brought to Dafa.

Tang Yaqi

March 7, 2004

(From http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2004/3/13/69835.html)

Solemn Declaration

I am a middle school student. Under the pressure of the county's "610 Office," our school used lies to ask students to sign our names. They said that the county would send someone to our school to check the number of students at school. Our school gave each student a piece of blank paper, and asked us to sign at the bottom of the blank paper. Later our schoolteachers told us that the signatures were for a Falun Gong issue. Because my mother is a practitioner, I knew that practitioners are good people, they are persecuted by the evil, and Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa. Our school used lies to make students sign. Someone else signed my name for me. When I learned that, I felt very bad. Now I am solemnly declaring that all signatures that were signed by someone under my name, as a result of our school's deception under the pressure of the county "610 Office," are null and void. I want to expose the crime to let the people in the world know that Jiang's political gang applied coercion to poison young people. I want let more people know that Falun Dafa is great, the world needs "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance," and offer salvation to more people.

Wang Shoulong

February 11, 2004

[1] Guarantee statement: A statement to declare that one is remorseful for practicing Falun Gong and guarantees not to practice Falun Gong again, not to go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, and never again associate with any Falun Dafa practitioners.

(From http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2004/3/13/69835.html)