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Calling Out the Truth in a Detention Center

March 16, 2004 |   By Dafa Practitioner Hai Zhen in China

(Clearwisdom.net) On January 2, 2004, when I was clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa at a department store, seven or eight police officers arrested me and sent me to the local police station. I refused to answer any questions since I had committed no crime, but kept clarifying the truth to them while sending forth righteous thoughts.

Later I was brought to a police precinct, where the head of the precinct told me, "We want to send you to a labor camp, but cannot do so since no one kept a record of the interrogation. Now you are sentenced to15 days of detention for disturbing the public order." I said loudly, "You cannot detain people at will. It is against law!" I tried to get out of the vehicle, but was held tightly. When we arrived at the detention center I refused to get out of the vehicle. I was carried into the detention center. By then, it was already 2:00 a.m.

Earlier, I had some fear of being detained, but when I got to the detention center, the attachment of fear was gone and I had no fear at all. Standing inside the courtyard of the detention center and facing toward all the detention rooms I called out loudly and spoke about the persecution of Dafa. The power of righteous thoughts and actions manifested the dignity and benevolence of Dafa, and the police became completely powerless and were unable to stop me. After I had explained the facts thoroughly, they came up to me and asked me to get inside a detention room. I refused, so several people came up to pull me. I struggled and called out, "Falun Dafa is good! Practicing Falun Dafa is not an offence! I refuse to be persecuted." Nonetheless, I was dragged into the detention room.

Master told us, "A Dafa disciple... what is a Dafa disciple? He's a being created by the most magnificent Law, (enthusiastic applause) and he's rock-solid and as indestructible as diamond." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Washington DC Fa Conference")

I thought to myself that if I were kept here and couldn't clarify the truth, wouldn't it mean that I had fallen into the arrangement of the old forces? I must continue to clarify the truth. But how could I do it? It was not enough just to clarify the truth to several people in the same room. There were over ten thousand people detained here, and they should all have the opportunity to be offered salvation, regardless of why they were detained in the first place. So I decided to "call out the truth."

Then next morning, as soon as I woke up, I started to "call out the truth." I was a little hesitant at first, because I am a schoolteacher and am used to behaving in a soft and gentle manner in daily life. Then I realized, "I am a being created by the Fa. I had come for the Fa and for the salvation of living beings. There is nothing that I could not let go of!" Therefore, I started to call out the truth every day. No matter how the police threatened me or scolded me, I did not care. After sending forth righteous thoughts at set times I would start calling out the truth. I did not miss any opportunities to clarify the truth to people, such as when there were visits from higher authorities from the police department, or from different police stations when new detainees were sent in. Even people who came to deliver food or to clear away the trash got to know the truth from me.

"Calling out the truth" was also a process to improve, purify and elevate myself. I required myself to base my actions on the principle of acting completely for the sake of others and for the salvation of sentient beings. I tried my best to choose words that could manifest the benevolence and dignity of Dafa. Before calling out, I would send forth righteous thoughts to clear out any bad thoughts in me and the interference from various acquired notions.

This way, I was able to call out the truth in a most purified state of mind. I called out to detention rooms in all directions and to the spaces in the cosmos. The words, "Falun Dafa is good" and "Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa" resounded throughout the universe. I felt I was calling with my whole heart and my whole being. With the help of Master and the righteous gods, whenever I started to call out, the noisy environment would immediately quiet down. With boundless reverence to the Fa and Master, and boundless compassion for all living beings I kept calling out. All beings seemed to listen to the words that they had been waiting for throughout the ages; waiting for such a rare opportunity through the ages to be offered salvation.

I called, "Restore Dafa's Reputation! Restore Master's reputation! Restore practitioners' Reputation!" I told people, "We have been framed. Those shown on TV were pretending to be practitioners." I told them the reason why we were being persecuted, that the chief criminal is Jiang Zemin who is being sued internationally in several courts, and that some of his followers had been sentenced and been found guilty.

I called out dozens of times every day. My throat became husky and I had difficulty speaking. However, when I called, my voice was still loud and clear. The police came to tell me, "Stop calling out. If you don't stop, I might end up calling out with you too!" Those who were in the adjoining rooms even learned to follow my words. When I called the first sentence, they would follow and say the next sentence in a lower voice. When I went outside to air my blanket, those in the male detention rooms would squeeze together in front of the metal doors and call out, "Falun Dafa is good." Some also shouted, "Long live Falun Dafa!"

I truly realized the mighty power of Dafa, the assistance from Master's law body and from the righteous gods. Ordinary people's slogans would not have such a powerful effect, would they? Just as Master said, "As you clarify the truth, the words you speak and the energy you emit have the effect of intimidating and eliminating the evil. You are crucial in determining whether the lives in this world stay or get eliminated. If your words are pure and righteous they will really go right into the inner most part of people's thoughts, and instantly make the world's people understand." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference")

With the protection, help and hints from Master, and with my righteous thoughts and righteous actions, fifteen days later I was unconditionally released. (Previously, practitioners would not be released unless they wrote a "guarantee statement.") When I went to the male detention section to pick up my confiscated shoes, many people crowded near the doors. They repeatedly called out what I had said while clarifying the truth. Some even asked how to contact me and how to practice the Dafa exercises.

I understood that they would be saved.

February 27, 2004