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Press Statement from Falun Dafa Association of Canada Calling on the Media, Government, and Society to Help Stop the Anti-Falun Gong Hate Propaganda from the Chinese Regime

February 07, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) This week, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice awarded Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Joel Chipkar damages for libel in a suit against Mr. Pan Xinchun, a Chinese consular official who stated that the practitioner was a member of a "sinister cult."

The essence of this judgement tells us that attacking Falun Gong practitioners with the Chinese authorities' hate propaganda and slanderous words is not legal in Canada. In addition, it also tells us that Chinese officials in Canada will be held accountable when they abuse their privileges and commit illegal acts.

According to the United Nations' Convention On Consular Relations And Optional Protocols, "...it is the duty of all persons enjoying such privileges and immunities to respect the laws and regulations of the receiving State." (Article 55(1)) and "The consular premises shall not be used in any manner incompatible with the exercise of consular functions." (Article 55(2))

Consulate officials must conduct their affairs "by all lawful means" (Article 5(c)) and "within the limits permitted by international law." (Article 5(a)).

However, in the past four and a half years, the Chinese embassies and consulates have been turned into overseas bases, in violation of Canadian and international law, in an international campaign to turn people's opinion against Falun Gong and to stifle their support for the practice.

Chinese diplomats have stepped far beyond their supposed diplomatic mandates to spread hate propaganda to many NGOs, MPs and government officials; hold anti-Falun Gong exhibits inside Chinese consulates and the embassy; and organize public rallies to divide communities.

Unfortunately, such misinformation has also spread into Western society through Western media quoting the Chinese regime's slanderous labelling of Falun Gong. We reiterate that referencing Chinese government sources as credible sources of information on the topic of Falun Gong is granting legitimacy to the propaganda and fuelling the persecution. It is no different from Mr. Pan's slanderous words, which were published in Western media.

We urge the media to have awareness on this issue, to stop quoting the misinformation from the Chinese authorities, and to help correct the misinformation.

We urge the Department of Foreign affairs to take responsibility and vigorously intervene in the Chinese embassies and consulates' hate propaganda in Canada, for these are gross violations of Canadians' rights in Canada.

We urge the officials who receive such materials to report these incidents to the hate crimes unit of the local police.

These steps will eliminate the environment that allows the defamation campaign to exist.

We also ask the Chinese consulates and Embassy to stop the illegal hate incitement in Canada right away, and urge the Jiang Zemin regime to stop the persecution.