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Practitioners' Neighbor Appeals For Justice: "Do Not Persecute These Good People Any More"

February 02, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I don't practice Falun Gong, but I have met many people who do. I know they are all good people. They are honest, have a light-hearted attitude about personal gain and loss, are happy to help others. They conduct themselves strictly according to the principles of "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance." They truly reach the state of selflessness and altruism, considering others first.

It is such good people who are ruthlessly persecuted and suppressed; it is such good people who are imprisoned in the labor camps, detention centers, mental hospitals, brainwashing classes and other places to become subjected to inhuman tortures and murder; it is such good people who are forced to wander about on the streets to avoid illegal arrest, and have their family broken up by the officials and police from the "610 Offices," the public security departments and police departments.

As an observer I must tell all the good people the things that occur around me, and I am appealing to you all: do not fall into Jiang Zemin's trap again! Do not take in the lies and rumors dished out in the media, and do not persecute these good people who believe in "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance!"

In my hometown, Shengli Township, Tangyuan County, Heilongjiang Province, one Falun Gong practitioner was sentenced; two practitioners were sent to a labor camp, many were detained; a few practitioners were forced into exile to avoid illegal arrest, and many practitioners were fined.

Tang Xianguo is one of those Dafa practitioners. He is from Fuxing Village, Shengli Township. He was fined 5,000 Yuan [the average monthly income for an urban Chinese employee is about 500 Yuan] for not giving up his belief and of going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. Furthermore, his face was badly beaten and was bleeding. The perpetrators covered his whole body with wounds when he was arrested while giving out flyers. He was then sent to a public security department and detained. The criminals in the same jail cell forced him to curse and scold his Teacher, but he refused to do so. That is why the criminal forced him to stand upside down against a wall. The criminal then fiercely kicked his chest, and used his elbow to fiercely pummel his back. The criminal also continuously poured cold water on his head, for a long time. After a half year of torture, the practitioner Tang Xianguo was sentenced to four years in prison. He is now in the Jiamusi Prison and is still eduring torture.

Jing Guanglin and Yao Shuqin are two of my neighbors in the village. Both of them are about 50 to 60 years old. When they were in the labor camp at Jiamusi, besides the daily excessive workload and inhuman treatments, they were still cursed at and beaten. There was a time that Jing Guanglin protested against the mistreatment and abuse. He tried to escape but he failed and was captured. He then was imprisoned in a small cell. The police used electric batons and their fists to beat him and also kicked him mercilessly.

I truly hate to see this tragedy, but I believe that justice and morality, as well as the legal system, will punish the depraved people who cruelly harm and persecute the good people.

Here, I appeal to you once again: Do not persecute these innocent and good people! They are all people deserving of much respect.