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How I Bring Up The Topic When Clarifying The Truth To Strangers Face To Face

February 18, 2004 |   By a practitioner in China


Teacher said,

"With those people that you run into by chance, who you run into in daily life, and the people you run into at work, you should all clarify the truth to them."

(Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference)

Teacher told us how important and urgent it is to clarify the truth. I personally think that clarifying the truth face-to-face can validate Dafa powerfully and intimidate the evil through our own experience in the practice. Face-to-face clarifying the truth can be done anywhere. To people who have been poisoned by the propaganda, we can explain away their doubts and make them understand Dafa better by talking face-to-face.

In order to clarify the truth to a stranger in person, here are two ways we can bring up the topic.

1. Consider what the other party does for a living and try to go along with his way of thinking to bring up the topic.

Focus on how the other party is suffering from his job or from being sick and uncomfortable in his daily life, and link these with the changes we have experienced from practicing Dafa. Tell him how Dafa can changes everything and brings people true happiness. Remind the other party "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truth, Compassion and Forbearance is good." One step further, we can ask the other party to tell his friends, family and relatives to remember these two phrases.

Once, I met a few students from a medical school. I asked them that whether chronic pharyngitis and arthritis can be cured. They said no, so I told them I used to have those diseases but was cured after practicing Falun Gong. Then, I started to clarify the truth.

One time I went to the market in the morning. It was cold that day and I saw a lady trying very hard to tie a bag of vegetables onto her bicycle, but the bag kept on falling off. Nobody on the street offered to help her. I immediately recognized this as a good opportunity to clarify the truth. I stopped my bicycle and helped her tie the bag. At the same time, I told her that I practiced Falun Gong, and as a practitioner I was being considerate toward others. I also told her that the incidents of so called practitioners' self immolation and of killing people were faked. She replied that she thought there was nobody practicing anymore, but now she'd leaned the truth.

We need to pay attention to our words and behavior when we clarify the truth. We have to bring the other party Dafa's compassion and practitioners' benevolence.

2. Relate the persecution stories and the other's tribulations or sufferings when telling them the facts of Falun Gong. Also, tell the other party how the police violate the laws and how there will be consequences giving examples of retribution received by those who persecuted Dafa.

One time when I was on a bus, I gave my seat to a gentleman and asked him where he worked. Then, I asked him whether he knew Ms. Zheng and Ms. Bai. I told the gentleman those ladies were good people and were arrested because they practiced Falun Gong or said, "Falun Dafa is good." They were sent to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. I then explained how the arrests violated the Constitution and told him the facts and how there would be consequences. I purposely spoke out loud to let others hear me and let them participate in the conversation. There was one person who knew the truth and helped me during the conversation. In the end, almost everyone in the bus learned the truth. After everyone left, I did the same to the bus driver. The length of the truth clarification should be based on the time window allowed.

My understanding is, if we clarify the truth based on the Fa and put saving sentient beings as the priority, Teacher will help us and the wisdom Dafa gives us will never run out. This way we will achieve the best result and be very effective in saving sentient beings.