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Summary of Other Articles and News - February 4, 2004

February 12, 2004 |  


Facts of the Persecution

Falun Dafa practitioners Wu Guihua and Wu Guifang from Chicheng County, Hebei Province benefited physically and mentally from Dafa practice. They went to Beijing many times to appeal for Dafa. As a result, they were detained and sent to a forced labor camp and brutally tortured. Once, holding a handful of nails, a guard at Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp said to Wu Guihua, "If you don't write the guarantee statement [renouncing Falun Dafa], I'll nail you to the wall, the way Jesus was crucified." Every time they were tortured, the practitioners' faces became deformed and extremely swollen. Their whole bodies were black and blue, and they bled where they had been hit with electric batons. As several guards dragged the two practitioners back inside after a torture session, they left a trail of blood behind them in the snow.

On January 28, 2004, Dafa practitioners Ms. Shi Ning and Ms. Xia Deyun from Dongying City, Shandong Province went to visit Dafa practitioner Wang Shaohua in a brainwashing class held by the Shengli Oilfield Oil Extraction Factory. Wang Shaohua had been held there for a long time. The guards illegally detained the two visiting practitioners and sent them to a brainwashing class held by the Oil Transportation Company. The two practitioners resisted all the commands of the perpetrators and staged a hunger strike. They shouted out the window to expose the evil. Wang Ziqiang (male), head of the Oilfield "610 Office"* and head of the brainwashing class was terrified! He separated the two practitioners and sent them to a brainwashing class in the Shengli Oilfield Oil Extraction Factory.

My name is Huang Wenying. I was born in 1965 and I am a Dafa practitioner from Qianjiang City, Hubei Province. On October 18, 1999, I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa and was unlawfully held for more than one month. 3,000 Yuan was extorted from me before I was released [500 Yuan is equal to the average monthly salary of an urban worker in China]. On December 30, 1999, I was abducted and sent to the Shayang Forced Labor Camp where I was held for a year and a half. While in detention I was savagely tortured. The guards handcuffed me and forced me to kneel in the snow and kicked my legs until they turned black and blue. They continued to monitor me after I returned home. I have had to leave home to avoid the persecution.

News from Abroad

An open letter from Dafa practitioners in Mainland China to the President of France and the Mayor of Paris:

France is a democratic nation, a free society and the original upholder of human rights. We are extremely shocked and deeply upset by the arrest of Falun Gong practitioners in France. This incident is a replay of what took place in Iceland and Germany in 2002. We don't want to see the sovereignty of France cave in to pressure, nor be treated with disrespect and even violated. We don't want to see the treasured French principle of "freedom, equality, fraternity" being trampled, and the democratic and peaceful image of France being blemished and desecrated.

* The "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.