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Doctor Li Aijun Is Persecuted in the Beijing Women's Prison

December 09, 2004 |   By a practitioner in Beijing, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Li Aijun graduated from a medical university and was a doctor in the department of internal medicine at the Beijing Xiyuan Hospital. Before practicing Falun Gong, she was in poor health and suffered from multiple diseases. But after practicing Falun Gong, she became healthy and full of energy. Since then, she has disciplined herself to strictly follow the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." While other doctors in the department were in charge of only three hospitalized patients, she was responsible for nine patients. She never took any commissions for prescribing medicine, and her good professional skills and ethics earned her high respect among colleagues and patients. Before she practiced Falun Gong, her relationship with her husband was very tense. After beginning cultivation, she looked inward to resolve conflicts and took more responsibility at home. The relationship thus became harmonious, and the family lived happily together.

At the end of 2000, because of appealing on behalf of Falun Dafa and persisting in practicing cultivation, she was forced to leave her job, and had to leave home and go from place to place to avoid being persecuted. However, at the beginning of 2001, she was arrested and sentenced to two years of forced labor. The hospital she worked for fired her. Under the vicious persecution, she took the wrong path once and renounced her belief. However, just a few days before she was going to be released, she corrected herself. She wondered: How could people who comply with the universal principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance," and adopt high moral standards, abiding by the law, trying to benefit the country, the people and the family, and without any wrongdoings to hurt others and society... how could these people be regarded as being against the government and the country? She concluded that those who practice Falun Gong are following the most righteous path. Therefore, she announced that she would continue practicing Dafa, and once again became a Dafa disciple. She was subsequently sentenced to nine years in jail. So far she has been detained in Beijing Women's Prison for over two years.

In the jail, she suffered much humiliation and was overloaded with work. Each day she had to work over 16 hours from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. or later in the jail, making and sewing clothes.

Although she lost her freedom, she still held steadfast to the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance," and cared for people around her with compassion. Her words and actions prompted many prisoners to abandon their misunderstandings toward Dafa that were planted by the propaganda spread by the state-run media. Even some policemen came to respect her high moral characteristics. The meals in the jail were very poor. When the jail occasionally improved the food quality, she always left her portion to older or weaker inmates. One time, on a holiday when two inmates shared one apple, she and another practitioner didn't eat their apple and gave it to an inmate who was missing home and didn't want to eat any food.

At Li Aijun's home live her near-70-year-old parents and her elementary school-aged son, who need to be taken care of. She also has a nearly 90-year-old grandmother, who is paralyzed and bedridden, and needs help and care. Her husband has to work all day for a living and can't take care of much at home. Her long prison term has brought great suffering to her family members, both financially and emotionally.
