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Latest News from China - December 11, 2004

December 31, 2004 |  


  1. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Ten Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested within Eight Days
  2. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhang Yueqing and Her Husband He Yixin Are Arrested
  3. [Meihekou City, Jilin Province] Four Practitioners Arrested while Delivering Materials
  4. [Yunnan Province] Mr. Zhang Wenliang Is Tortured to Mental Collapse at Detention Center
  5. [Hebei Province] Baoding Forced Labor Camp Still Tortures Detained Practitioners
  6. [Sichuan Province] Mr. Wang Chaowen Is Detained for Spreading Falun Dafa Truth-Clarifying Materials
  7. [Xinxiang City, Henan Province] Ms. Zhang Guiqing Is Arrested
  8. [Xianning City, Hubei Province] Ms. Luo Ying Is Sent to a Forced Labor Camp
  9. [Tengzhou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Hongju Is Arrested
  10. [Jilin Province] Mr. Qu's Ribs Kicked and Broken by Guard Fan at the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp
  11. [Huadian City, Jilin Province] Three Females Arrested while Delivering Falun Dafa Truth-Clarifying Materials
  12. [Xinjiang Province] Mr. Liu Zhanjiang and His Wife Li Xiaoping Are Arrested
  13. [Liaoning Province] Ms. Xu Guilan Is Tried at the Donggang Court
  14. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Yu Qing Sent to the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp
  15. [Handan City, Hebei Province] Mr. Zhang Bin and His Wife Zhu Taozhi Are Arrested Again
  16. [Beijing] Ms. Qin Cuixia Is Arrested while Delivering Falun Dafa Video CDs
  17. [Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Wang Juan Is Detained for an Extended Term
  18. [Chongqing City] Ms. Zhang Xiaoping Is Arrested
  19. [Shengyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhang Xiuzhi and Her Daughter Are Arrested

1. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Ten Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested within Eight Days

From December 2 to 9, 2004, ten practitioners have been arrested in Daqing City. Details as follows.

On December 2:

Ms. Wang Xiuling, a resident of Chuangye Village, Honggang District, was arrested for no reason. The police searched her home and sent her to the Daqing Detention Center.

Ms. Wang Guiyan and Ms. Zhang Yanping were arrested because the facts on how they were persecuted have been published on the Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net.

Mr. Xu Binjia lives in Chenger Village, Ranghulu District. The Daqing City Police's Internet Monitoring Brigade colluded with the Chengxin Police Station to have Mr. Xu arrested. It's said that the reason for his arrest is that "sensitive information" was found in Xu's computer.

On December 3:

On the morning of December 3, over 20 police officers from the Talaha Police Station, Taikang County went to Mr. Hou Qingguo's home in Taikang County and arrested Hou. In the afternoon, Ms. Meng Fanrong and Ms. Lin Shuying from Wangjiaweizi, Saertu District were also arrested by the Huoju Police Station.

Late night on December 9, Ms. Zhang Shuyun, Ms. Zhao Hongying, and Ms. Li Zhengjiao were arrested from Ms. Zhang Shuyun's home in Chuangye Village, Honggang District by police officers from the Chuangyezhuang Police Station.

2.[Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhang Yueqing and Her Husband He Yixin Are Arrested

At around 4 p.m. on December 24, 2004, Zhang and He were arrested by officers from the Yonghongqiao Police Station, Lunan District, Tangshan City. Their home was searched. As of now Ms. Zhang is being detained at the 1st Detention Center of Tangshan City, while Mr. He is detained at the 2nd Detention Center of Tangshan City. It is known that Ms. He was beaten by police officers, and traces of blood were seen on his face.

3.[Meihekou City, Jilin Province] Four Practitioners Arrested while Delivering Truth-Clarifying Materials

Mr. Fu Qisheng, Ms. Yin Xiumei, Ms. Chi, and Ms. Lei are from the Heishantou Township, Meihekou City. On December 7, 2004, they were delivering Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials in Shuguang, but were arrested and detained at the Meihekou City Detention Center.

Phone number for the Meihekou Detention Center: 86-448-4331166

Police Department: 86-448-4246001

4. [Yunnan Province] Mr. Zhang Wenliang Is Tortured to Mental Collapse at Detention Center

Mr. Zhang Wenliang was arrested in 2001 by police officers in Yunnan Province and was sentenced to prison for four years. He is being detained at the Yunnan Province's First Prison. Since he was tortured to mental collapse, his family took him to his hometown of Weifang City, Shandong Province.

5. [Hebei Province] Baoding Forced Labor Camp Still Tortures Detained Practitioners

Mr. Huang Fenghua is a university student. His home is in Shandong Province, but he is now detained at the Baoding Forced Labor Camp. He went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution, but was force-fed. He was also often dragged to the second floor where he was shackled and beaten. He has been on the hunger strike for many days.

Another practitioner, Wang Yongxin, has also gone on a hunger strike for many days and is suffering cruel torture.

Phone numbers at the Baoding Forced Labor Camp:

Yu Yanping, Head of the Camp, 86-312-2019000,86-312-2191018

Zhang Junfu, Communist Party Secretary, 86-312-2191002,86-312-2139699,86-13903369665(Cell)

6. [Sichuan Province] Mr. Wang Chaowen Is Detained for Spreading Falun Dafa Truth Materials

Mr. Wang Chaowen is a resident of Zhonghe Township, Yuechi County. In Mid-April, 2004, he was arrested after he delivered Falun Dafa truth materials to people. The head of the Zhonghe Police Station is Zhang, and its instructor is Song Qianlin. Mr. Wang was first detained at the Yuechi County Detention Center, and then transferred to the Huaying County Brainwashing Center.

At about the end of July 2004, he was sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp, and is now detained at the Xinhua Forced Labor Camp, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province.

7. [Xinxiang City, Henan Province] Ms. Zhang Guiqing Is Arrested

On the evening of December 9, 2004, Ms. Zhang from Xinxiang City was arrested by undercover police officers while clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa to people on the street. Police officers searched her home that same evening and confiscated many Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials. Now, Ms. Zhang is being detained at the Xinxiang City Detention Center.

Phone numbers of the relevant officers:

Xiao Yukui, head of the 610 Office, 86-373-2026482 (Office)

Xinxiang City Police Department: 86-373-5029909,5030531(Office)

Zong Wantai, deputy head of the Xinxiang City Police Department, 86-13503801898(Cell)

Xinxiang City Detention Center:

Li Zhili,86-373-2726408, 86-13598629636(Cell)

Lin Guojian,86-373-2726408, 86-373-2305660

8. [Xianning City, Hubei Province] Ms. Luo Ying Is Sent to a Forced Labor Camp

Ms. Luo Ying from Xianning City was arrested while clarifying the truth to people on the streets. Recently, she was sent to the Shayang Forced Labor Camp for a three-year term.

9. [Tengzhou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Hongju Is Arrested

Ms. Wang Hongju is a resident of Tengzhou City. After she began practicing Falun Dafa, her heart problem and hepatitis B all disappeared without any medical treatment.

At noon on November 29, 2004, Ms. Wang Hongju and Ms. Yan were arrested from Liuzhuang Village, Chaiwudian Township by police officers from the Chaiwudian Township. The police station asked the local 610 Office to pick her up, but the 610 Office refused. Police then sent the two ladies to the Tengzhou City Police Department where they are still being interrogated.

10. [Jilin Province] Mr. Qu's Ribs Kicked and Broken by Guard Fan at the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp

Mr. Qu Guangyi is a practitioner who is being detained at the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City. Guard Fan from the 6th Brigade kicked his ribs so hard that he broke some of them. Mr. Qu has also been force-fed, causing his teeth to become loose.

Another practitioner, Mr. Wu Shuyu, was beaten by three police officers at the 2nd Brigade, which left a two-inch long cut on Wu's head.

11. [Huadian City, Jilin Province] Three Women Arrested while Delivering Falun Dafa Truth-Clarifying Materials

On November 26, 2004, Ms. Wang Xianqing, Ms. Cao Yuqing, and Ms. Wang Chunxia, from the Hongshi Township, Huadian City were arrested while delivering Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials near the vicinity of Laojin Factory. The three were first detained at the Jiapigou Police Station, and then sent to the Huadian City Detention Center. Police officers at Huadian have been coercing them into revealing the source of their materials.

12. [Xinjiang Province] Mr. Liu Zhanjiang and His Wife Li Xiaoping Are Arrested

Husband and wife Mr. Liu Zhanjiang and Mr. Li Xiaoping are both workers of the Tianshan Chemical Plant who began practicing Falun Dafa in 1997.

In October 2000, Ms. Li was arrested and sent to the Miquan City Detention Center because she distributed Falun Dafa truth materials. At the time, she was 6 months pregnant, but the police officers tortured her with no mercy, and wanted to induce an abortion. Later, Ms. Li was taken to the Chemical Plant Hospital for an abortion. Li resisted and shouted "the Communist Party is killing people" on the way. The police had to give up, but sent her back to the Miquan Detention Center. Later, Ms. Li was released with the help of her family.

In 2003, Li Xiaoping delivered Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials to the residential building of the Miquan Police Department. The police arrested her and her husband, and sent the two to a forced labor camp. Now, the couple's three-year old child Liu Yangyang has to stay at Ms. Li's mother's home. Li's mother has trouble making ends meet. Ms. Li's mother's phone number: 86-994-5297918

Other relevant phone numbers:

Cui, head of the Miquan Detention Center, 86-994-5302713

Jia Wenxue, Communist Party Secretary of the Miquan City political and judiciary committee, 86-994-5302112

Zhou San, Miquan City Criminal Police Brigade, 86-994-5302261

13. [Liaoning Province] Ms. Xu Guilan Is Tried at the Donggang Court

Ms. Xu Guilan is in her 50s. Last year, she was arrested for producing and spreading Falun Dafa informational materials. Later, she was bailed out. In early December 2004, she was arrested again and tried on December 9 at the Donggang Court. Ms. Xu needed support to go to the court, as she was unable to walk. She is now in detention.

Relevant phone numbers:

Xin Jihui, chief judge of the Donggang Court, 86-415-7123370 (Office),

86-415-7132769 (Home)

You Yingchun, chief judge, 86-415-7189251 (Office), 86-415-7124180 (Home)

Ning Wei, deputy head of the Donggang Court, 86-415-7124371 (Office), 86-415-7187528 (Home)

Donggang Procurate:

Ma Guangyuan, public prosecutor, 86-415-7171506 (Office), 86-415-7144715 (Home)

Yu Dexu, public prosecutor, 86-415-7171506 (Office), 86-415-7180226 (Home)

Li Qiang, 86-415-7171501 (Office), 86-415-7183535 (Home)

Xin Yongming, deputy procurator, 86-415-7123743 (Office), 86-415-7144186 (Home)

14. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Yu Qing Sent to the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp

Ms. Yu Qing is a resident of Harbin City. On November 24, 2004, when she was bailed out for medical treatment, she handed out Falun Dafa informational materials in Jianguo Park, but was arrested and sent directly to the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp.

15. [Handan City, Hebei Province] Mr. Zhang Bin and His Wife Zhu Taozhi Are Arrested Again

Husband and wife Mr. Zhang Bin and Ms. Zhu Taozhi are employees of the Handan City Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital (for cancer treatment). They were detained many times and sent to a forced labor camp because they did not give up the practice of Falun Dafa. On December 7, 2004, the couple was tricked by police officers from the Fuyuan Police Station and was arrested, leaving their one-year-old baby home alone. Their place of detention is unknown.

Zhang Bin's father, who lives in Shandong Province, came to Handan to ask about information on Zhang Bin. The head of the hospital said, "We just execute the orders from upper levels. We need to guarantee our unit's title of a 'civilized unit'."

Relevant phone numbers:

Liu Haichao is the deputy head of the Handan City Health Department. He is in charge of persecuting practitioners in the health department.

86-310-3053159(Office), 86-310-3220166(Home)

Fuyuan Police Station: 86-310-8051649, 8050041

16. [Beijing] Ms. Qin Cuixia Is Arrested while Delivering Falun Dafa Video CDs

Ms. Qin Cuixia is from Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. On November 29, 2004, she was arrested while delivering Falun Dafa video CDs to Gabluyuan Area #1, Chaoyang District, Beijing City. Her family has been informed, but the local police do not acknowledge the arrest.

Relevant phone numbers:

Chaoyang Police Division: 86-10-85953400

Ganluyuan Area #1 Police Station: 86-10-65561753

17. [Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Wang Juan Is Detained for an Extended Term

Ms. Wang Juan is a 47-year-old resident of Qiqihar City. In October 1999, her daughter (a student at Harbin Normal University, also a practitioner) and she went to Beijing to appeal for the fair treatment of Falun Dafa. After being taken back to her home, Ms. Wang Juan was sentenced to one year in a forced labor camp and had been detained at the Shuanghe Forced Labor Camp since August 2001. After being released, she produced Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials in Qiqihar, but the production site was destroyed by the police. She then went to Harbin City.

In November 2002, over ten police officers from Qiqihar tailed Wang Juan's daughter for a week. On November 8, 2002, when Wang's daughter went to Wang's rented room in Baijiapu, police officers who had been tailing her arrested Wang Juan and sentenced her to two years in a forced labor camp.

On November 8, 2004, Wang Juan's two-year term was due. Her family contacted the Shuanghe Forced Labor Camp where she has been detained. However, Guo Li, the head of the 9th brigade in the camp, said that Wang's term has been extended for two months.

Relevant phone numbers:

Qiqihar City Forced Labor Camp Department: 86-452-2797727

The Management Section of the Shuanghe Forced Labor Camp: 86-452-2451139

Guo Li, head of the 9th brigade, 86-452-2451166(Office), 86-13019030086(Cell)

18. [Chongqing City] Ms. Zhang Xiaoping Is Arrested

Ms. Zhang Xiaoping is an employee of the Chongqing Railway Bureau Branch. In late November 2004, she was arrested at the Chaotianmen Market, Chongqing City while she was delivering Falun Dafa materials to people. Her whereabouts are unknown.

19. [Shengyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhang Xiuzhi and Her Daughter Are Arrested

Ms. Zhang Xiuzhi is about 50 years old, and a resident of the Wenyi Road, Shenhe District, Shenyang City. On around November 20, 2004, she and her daughter were arrested by police officers from the 6th police department while they were delivering Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials to the 606 Institute. Their whereabouts are unknown.