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Continuing on the Path of Validating Falun Dafa by Firmly Believing in Master and the Fa

December 26, 2004 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Dalian


The papers of the First Written Experience Sharing Conference for Falun Gong Practitioners in China moved me deeply. I would like to share my story with fellow practitioners so that we may improve together. Please correct any of my mistakes.

I am 60 years old. I had many illnesses before I began practicing Falun Dafa, and I felt that life was unbearable.

Around 3:30 p.m. on October 3, 1997, a moment that I will never forget, I eagerly started reading Zhuan Falun. Before I finished reading this book, even though I had not learned the exercise movements yet, Master began cleansing my body.

From that day forward, I understood the meaning of life and became determined to study this book for the rest of my life. All my sicknesses quickly went away, and I experienced the wonderful feeling of being illness-free. Falun Dafa changed me in an amazing way. I am very grateful to Master and Falun Dafa for giving me a second life! I want to tell people about my true experiences with my own voice - Falun Dafa is good!

My first opportunity to spread the Fa was at my former workplace. When I stood in front of my former colleagues, they commented with surprise, "Wow! What medicine made you look so great?" I told them this was all due to my practicing Falun Gong. They became instantly tense upon hearing the words "Falun Gong." Some asked me in hushed tones, "Do you still dare to practice?" I answered, "Why not?" Then I told them the real story behind the persecution. They were very sympathetic and admiring of Falun Gong, and told me, "If it is good, you should keep doing it!"

Master published the article "Rationality" on August 9, 2000. In it, Master said,

"Validate the Fa with rationality, clarify the truth with wisdom, spread the Fa and save people with mercy--this is establishing the mighty virtue of an Enlightened Being."

I gained more confidence to tell more people about the persecution after reading Master's words. My daughter and I were determined to follow Master's teachings and clarify the truth to people. Saving sentient beings by revealing the evil is the Falun Dafa disciples' mission. We should not wait or rely on others; we should find ways solve our problem of lack of materials. We obtained one piece of truth-clarifying material, so my daughter reformatted it and printed it out, and then I delivered it to the public. From that day on, I started to walk on my path of validating the Fa.

I brought truth-clarifying materials with me every day, giving one to each predestined person I met. They normally accept it politely, and some of them thank me. Some of them want to give me money; some of them immediately started reading while walking, standing under the streetlights, or sitting on the curb. Once I saw three people repairing a vehicle on the shoulder of the road, I gave them a flyer. One of them said, "Please give me another one! There are many people in my dorm--one is not enough for everyone to read." Their eagerness to know the truth about Falun Dafa inspired me, and helped me become more diligent and mature while validating the Fa.

I always bring enough CDs, flyers and stickers when I go on a trip, so I can post and distribute them along the way. Also, since 2000, I have continued clarifying the truth by mailing letters. I have mailed countless letters all over the country.

In order to clarify the truth to places far away from home, I bought a bike, and installed two large baskets on the front and back of the bike to carry materials. I give different materials to different people. In the past four years, no matter whether it was the cold winter or hot summer, I never stopped walking on my path of validating the Fa. I found that both snowy and rainy days are good times to pass out materials. I have walked all over my town--hundreds of miles.

From the day I attained the Fa and over the past 7 years, I have walked solidly with a firm faith in Master and a righteous belief in Falun Dafa. Even in those times when the evil was rampant, I never lost an ounce of my faith, or left any stain or regret. There were many times I made it through dangerous situations. I experienced the profound meanings of

"However strong the righteous thoughts are, that's how great the power is." ("Also in a Few Words," Essentials for Further Advancement II)

"If you have fear, it will capture you;

Once the thoughts are righteous, the evil will collapse

("What Is There to Fear?" Hongyin II."

July 20, 1999 was the beginning of the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong. In order to arrest Falun Dafa practitioners, police searched people's purses at will, blocking traffic any time they wanted. While Falun Dafa was being persecuted and Master was being slandered, safeguarding Falun Dafa and standing up for our Master is our disciples' duty. Once, when I was on a mini-bus, I heard a man in the back of the bus cursing Falun Dafa and claiming that Zhuan Falun cost more than 100 yuan per copy. I turned around and said to the man with compassion, "Sir, allow me correct you. This book only costs 12 yuan, not more than 100 yuan. I am a Falun Dafa practitioner myself and I would not lie..." The whole bus became quiet.

Looking back on the path of validating the Fa in the past several years, it seems that I had easy steps, but so much has been endured by Master in every step. As a disciple, I will do everything more solidly in the days to come, and do my tasks well as my answer to the exam from Master!

November 25, 2004