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Clarifying the Truth Has Become Part of My Life

December 24, 2004 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I feel that during the process in which the evil elements in other dimensions are being eliminated on a large scale, the environment in the three realms has gradually improved. Fa rectification requires us to make use of every opportunity to save sentient beings and we should "hurry up and tell them" the truth about Falun Gong. Before, I had only distributed truth clarification materials, and I only "told" the truth to relatives and good friends, or when people asked me about it. I had never taken the initiative to clarify the truth to strangers.

When I read an article on Clearwisdom.net about a practitioner clarifying the truth on a bus, I realized that I needed to make a breakthrough. Finally one day, I took a truth clarifying VCD; I gathered my courage and stopped a young man who was walking past me. I told him that I would like to give him a VCD, which was about the truth of Falun Gong; I told him that the self-immolation incident and the killings broadcast on TV were all false rumors and lies. He asked me who I was. I told him that I was a Falun Dafa practitioner. He took the VCD and told me that he would watch it. I was extremely happy. Finally, I was able to tell the truth about Falun Gong to people face-to-face.

Since then I have been clarifying the truth to many people one-on-one and giving them truth clarification materials, especially the VCDs. I normally give them to people in person, and most of the time they tell me that they will watch the VCD. That way, if a person doesn't accept the VCD, the material will not be wasted. I discovered a big advantage: talking to people in person gave me the opportunity to find out their doubts and thus eliminate their barriers to understanding Falun Gong.

Here I would like to share my opinions and the experience I gained in the process of clarifying the truth. It is quite possible that the people that we come across are waiting for us to save them, and they may not have the opportunity to meet another Dafa practitioner later on. Therefore, we should treasure this time and take the opportunity instead of missing it. Teacher said,

"Also, with those people that you run into by chance, who you run into in daily life, and the people you run into at work, you should all clarify the truth to them. Even when in your daily life you pass by people so quickly that you don't have a chance to talk to them, you should still leave them with your compassion and kindness. Don't lose those who should be saved, especially those with predestined connections."(Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference)

This means we should clarify the truth to not only our relatives and good friends, but also to those with whom we share predestined relationships in our workplace and the people we meet every day; we should give them all the opportunity to know the truth so we won't find ourselves overcome with regret in the future.

I don't want to miss any opportunity to clarify the truth to the people that I meet. I give them truth clarification materials and tell them the facts about Falun Dafa. If time is short and they are in a rush, I can at least tell them, "Please remember, Falun Dafa is good." Most of the people are accepting of my words and many of them say, "thank you." Only a few people have refused to accept the truth in spite of all my efforts, which is their choice. In the past, if anyone refused to listen to the truth, I would feel terrible and it would take a long time to calm down. Now my mood can't be swayed by attachments to loss and gain, and I continue to clarify the truth to the next person. I just naturally clarify the truth to people - this is the responsibility of a Falun Dafa practitioner; a Fa-rectification Dafa practitioner should naturally be doing this.

Actually, telling the truth about Falun Dafa is not difficult. We should take advantage of every opportunity, drop our fear, don't think too much, and just hold the righteous thought of saving people. Very often we will just naturally clarify the truth. I used to be an introvert, but we should not allow our notions of ourselves to interfere with us. Teacher will help us at the critical moment and enlighten our wisdom. It's a good idea to bring different types of truth clarification materials with us. I have missed some opportunities because I did not have any materials with me. Although some people have read our flyers, their minds are still poisoned by the media. Therefore, if we have time, we should point out a few of the obviously questionable points concerning the self-immolation incident, and truly achieve the situation where "everyone to whom we have told the truth will know the truth." I'll give you a few examples.

I visited a store and clarified the truth to the owner. I gave him a VCD and booklet. The next time I went to the store, a young man invited me in and asked me if I had any more of the VCDs that I had given the storeowner. At first I thought he might be the storeowner's relative, later I found out that he was a customer who occasionally came to purchase goods. He had seen me giving the storeowner the truth clarification materials, but at the time he hadn't felt comfortable asking me for them. I realized that he was a person with a predestined relationship, and that Teacher had arranged his presence there. I clarified the truth to him, the storeowner, the storeowner's wife and their nanny, spending more than half an hour. Before I left I gave the young man a booklet and asked for his phone number so I could give him the truth clarification VCD the next time I went. He also asked for my phone number, and as he seemed so anxious, I gave it to him. Unexpectedly, he called me that very night, saying that his friend would like to talk to me. At that time, some practitioners thought it might be too dangerous to go. He said that his friend was going on a business trip and didn't know when he would return. I decided to see them. We talked until 11 p.m. They asked a lot of questions, especially the young man, who asked many questions about cultivation. I answered them according to their level of understanding. The next day, he told me that he had watched the VCD and felt that the material was so true, and he even suggested that we should indict those responsible for the persecution.

Once as I passed the market, I saw there were seven or eight people visiting by the front entrance. I went over and gave each one of them different types of truth clarifying materials. One of them asked me, "What was the self-immolation about?" I pointed out a few of the suspicious inconsistencies to them, and then told him that Jiang Zemin is now being sued in many countries for framing and persecuting good people. I told them we have to distinguish the bad from the good, evil from kindness, and that those who do so will have a bright future.

One day it was raining, and I saw many people gathered inside the bus stop shelter to get out of the rain. I went over and told them the facts about Falun Gong, and gave them VCDs and booklets. One of them asked me. "Aren't you worried that we might be from the police station?" I told them, "Everyone has compassion; if he knows that I truly want to help him be good, he will make the right decision." Then he smiled at me. I told him that he should let as many of his friends and relatives as possible see the VCD, and that if others understood the truth and were no longer deceived by the propaganda, then he would have done a very good thing. He happily promised. Then I gave them all the truth clarification materials.

One time, I accompanied another practitioner to the barbershop and many customers were there. I wanted to clarify the truth to them but I didn't know how to bring up the topic. After the practitioner got his haircut, he gave the barber a booklet and was ready to leave. I saw that none of the other people present there had gotten the chance to know the truth, so I said to them rather hastily, "Do you know anything about the trial of Jiang Zemin?" They all replied "no," so I started by telling them that Jiang Zemin is being sued and how China is an autocracy under one party, that all media and newspapers are under their control, including the Internet, which is being blocked, and that is why this news is not being openly reported in Mainland China. Nonetheless, by breaking through the Internet blockade, going on business trips, taking vacations overseas or even going to Hong Kong, they can see the actual situation. Everywhere there are people with signs saying, "Bring Jiang to Justice," and, "Stop Persecuting Falun Gong." When I talked about the self-immolation incident, there was a young person who dropped his head and said abruptly, "I could tell it was fake when the story about the self immolation was published." I happily replied him, "You really have brains." We spoke harmoniously for some time. Later, I handed out different types of materials to the hairdresser and other customers.

I also took the opportunity to clarify the truth to kindergarten teachers. I began by mentioning the fact that frequent occurrences of natural and man-made disasters implies that there must be a big injustice somewhere, and that if humankind does not do something about it, heaven will. Then I told them that Jiang Zemin is being tried in the courts of many countries because of the countless injustices he is responsible for. I then explained the suspicious circumstances surrounding the self-immolation incident. I told them that Falun Gong practitioners would not kill and would not commit suicide, as we follow "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance" and try our best to become good people with high moral standards. That is the reason Falun Gong has attracted people from more than 60 countries to practice it. When I saw that they were quietly listening to me, I asked them if they would like to see the VCD. Eventually they took nearly all the different types of truth clarification materials that I had with me. I also told them to hurry up and clarify the truth to their relatives and friends after returning home; they had a good future in store for them but they wouldn't want to leave their relatives and friends behind. They all promised to tell them. When I left I felt happy from the bottom of my heart.

Certainly I have encountered some people who would not accept the truth and who even called the police. Sometimes there are those who don't accept our clarifying the truth because we forget or have not sent forth-righteous thoughts on time, or because we didn't clarify the truth in depth. Sometimes, we miss the chance to clarify the truth because we are afraid of trouble and don't want to open our mouths, or we have strong attachments, are in a bad mood, or just don't say what we're supposed to say. Nonetheless, the Three Things that Master told us to do supplement and influence each other, so we have to pay attention to all of them.

When Teacher's new article "Let go of Human Attachments and Save the World's People" was published, more and more practitioners came out to clarify the truth to people face to face. Jiang Zemin has also stepped down, and this is because Fa-rectification has come to this stage, so conditions are more favorable for us to clarify the truth. Once again, the strife brought by Jiang Zemin to sentient beings has been significantly reduced.

There are still a lot of sentient beings waiting for us to clarify the truth to them.

December 5, 2004