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Summary of Other Articles and News -- October 29, 2004

November 05, 2004 |  


Facts of the Persecution

1. Falun Gong Practitioners Cheng Fengxiang and Wang Yan Tortured to the Brink of Death in Handan City, Hebei Province

Falun Gong practitioner Cheng Fengxiang in Yongnian County, Handan City, Hebei Province was abducted during Chinese New Year 2004 after he tapped into the TV system to broadcast truth clarification video(s). He has been held for the past nine months, during which he was brutally tortured. About three months ago he was sent to a brainwashing session held at the Handan Forced Labor Camp. He held a hunger strike and was force-fed. The perpetrators inserted a tube through his mouth into his stomach and didn't remove it for days and weeks at a time. Currently, Cheng Fengxiang is in critical condition.

After the 2004 Chinese New Year, personnel from the Handan City "610 Office" and from the Fuxing District Hualin Police Precinct abducted practitioner Wang Yan and sent her to a brainwashing center. They illegally held her for nine months. Wang Yan is now showing symptoms of high blood pressure and experiencing numbness in her body.

2. 63-year-old Practitioner Buried in the Ground to the Waist, Brutally Beaten, and Sprayed with High-Pressure Water Hoses

My name is Ma Guizhen and I am a 63-year-old farmer. I live in Dongding Village, Weizi Town, Changyi, Weifang City, Shandong Province. Since July 20, 1999 I was illegally arrested 14 times and was sent twice to Changle Forced Labor Camp and twice to a brainwashing session held by Weifang City "610 Office." The labor camp refused to accept me because I was in poor health due to the mistreatment I had suffered. I was held twice at the Weizi Town Police Station for 15 days each time; twice at the Changyi Detention Center for a total of 30 days, and twice at the Changyi Custody Center for 60 days. The police also ransacked my home over 20 times. Once, the officers from the Weizi Town Police Station dug a hole in the ground and pushed me inside; then they piled dirt on me, up to my waist. I was buried for over four hours. Chen Xiaodong, head of the "610 Office" and other perpetrators beat me until I lost consciousness; then they poured cold water on me. They stomped on and burnt my fingers and sprayed me with high-pressure water hoses. The scars from the torture are still clearly visible on my body.

3. Personnel at Changle People's Hospital and Changle Police Department Persecute Practitioners Tian Ruizhen, Guo Suping and Lu Fengzhen

On July 21, 1999, practitioners Tian Ruizhen, Guo Suping and Lu Fengzhen went to the Appeals Office in Beijing to petition for Falun Gong. After they returned to Shandong Province, officials from Tian Ruizhen's and Guo Suping's work unit sent them to the police department where these practitioners were held at a conference room on the third floor, along with dozens of other practitioners. The police forced them to watch Falun Gong-slandering TV programs around the clock. They often deprived practitioners of sleep and denied requests to use the toilet, and they did not allow family visits. The detained practitioners were forced to sleep on a cement floor; they weren't allowed to talk, to shut the door or turn off the light, and they were followed everywhere they went, including the toilet. Over a month later, their families were forced to pay 3,000 Yuan so the practitioners would be allowed to go home to sleep at night, but they still had to return to the conference room for daily interrogation. They were persecuted this way until late September.

Lu Fengzhen was arrested in Beijing when talking to practitioners from other parts of the country. He was sent to Fengtai Stadium in Beijing and held for one day and was then sent to Weifang City's Liaison Office in Beijing.

4. Su Liping, Head of Kunming City's "610 Office," Yunnan Province, Persecutes Falun Gong

Su Liping personally arranged for the abduction, arrest and court trial of Falun Gong practitioners Han Zhenkun and Guo Juan. On August 24, the local court illegally tried Han Zhenkun and Guo Juan, and Su Liping ordered the police to harass and videotape Falun Gong practitioners who gathered outside the court. Afterwards, they abducted and arrested some practitioners who they caught on videotape.

5. Persecution in Jinning, Yunnan Province

Practitioner Ms. Zhang Huifen, 36 years old, is a farmer in Tianxin Village, Zhonghe Township, Jinning County. In September 2003, personnel from Jinning County's Police Department and from the "610 Office" ordered her to attend a government sponsored brainwashing session. Later, she erased a Falun Gong-slandering slogan at a public place on April 26, 2004. On April 28, 2004 she was abducted and held at the Jinning County Detention Center. During the morning of June 30, Zhang Huifen was abducted again while selling vegetables in the marketplace and is currently still being detained.

Practitioner Ms. Li Wenying, 50 years old, worked at the Kunyang Phosphate Mine. In December 2002 he was laid off because he practiced Falun Gong. He went to Beijing to appeal and was abducted and illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor. The guards at the labor camp beat him. On May 14, 2004 he distributed truth clarification flyers in Kunyang Square in Jinning County and was again abducted. He has been detained to this day.

Practitioner Ms. Li Huiping, 51 years old, was laid off from the Kunyang Phosphate Mine because she practiced Falun Gong. In December 2000 she went to Beijing to appeal and was abducted and illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor. On February 17, 2004, authorities from the county police department abducted her when she was distributing truth-clarification flyers. She is still in illegal detention.

Practitioner Mr. Liu Yiqing is in his 40s and worked at the Yunnan Tire Factory. He did Falun Gong exercises in front of the Chengguan Elementary School and was abducted by personnel from the county "610 Office" and the police department. They held him for seven days. On June 24, 2004 he went to Jinning No. 2 Street Phosphate Mine to distribute truth-clarification flyers and was abducted. He remains unlawfully detained.

6. Teacher Yang Suping in Tianjin City Again Sentenced to Forced Labor

Practitioner Ms. Yang Suping is in her 30s and taught at Dagang District's Petroleum & Chemical Plant Employee Training Center. In early 2001 she was illegally sentenced to one-and-a-half years of forced labor. On April 13, 2004, the police abducted her from home and sent her to a detention center. They again sentenced her to one-and-a-half years of forced labor and sent her to the Banqiao Women's Forced Labor Camp in Tianjin City. Her husband could not endure the harassment and divorced her.

7. Practitioner Luo Ji in Maoming City, Guangdong Province Recounts Persecution Experience

In mid-October 2000 I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and was arrested and detained for 15 days. In December 2000 I appealed again and was intercepted by personnel from the Maoming City "610 Office" who transferred me to the Maoming City Detention Center. On March 23, 2001 I was sentenced to one-and-a-half years of forced labor and was sent to Division 2 at the Sanshui Women's Forced Labor Camp in Guangdong Province. I refused to cooperate with the guards and was brutally tortured many times. They extended my term by three months. After my term expired, the personnel from Maoming City's "610 Office" sent me back to the Maoming Legal Class, a brainwashing session, and took 1,600 Yuan from me. After I returned home, police from the "610 Office" often called me on the phone to harass me and ordered the doorman of my building to monitor me.

8. Practitioner Zhang Fulan in Guyuan County, Hebei Province Recounts Persecution Experience

Before I practiced Falun Gong I suffered from numerous illnesses and as a result had to live with great pain. Several months into Falun Gong practice, all of my illnesses disappeared. I am an illiterate farmer in my 50s, but miraculously I was able to read Zhuan Falun six months after I began practicing Falun Gong. After Jiang's group began persecuting Falun Gong in July 1999, the perpetrators ransacked my home, extorted money from me and sent me to brainwashing sessions. In late July 2002, I distributed truth clarification flyers, and four officers abducted me and sent me to the police department. The perpetrators hit my face and head with such violent force that my head was bruised all over and my face turned black.