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Germany: Exposing the Persecution during Cham Falun Dafa Day (Photos)

November 23, 2004 |   By a German Falun Gong practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) Practitioners held an activity entitled Falun Dafa Night in the Town Hall in Cham for the second year in a row.

Photo exhibit and Falun Gong exercise demonstration

Truth-clarifying materials displayed on the booth for people to take and read. A petition form in support of bringing Jiang to justice is also on the table.

During the day, over forty posters in the Town Hall were laid out in an exhibition charting the journey of Falun Gong. From the popularity of Falun Gong in 1992 in China and abroad to the persecution that began in July 1999 and has seen peaceful activities to raise awareness all over the world, Falun Gong practitioners all showed the spirit of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Visitors could also enjoy canvas reproductions of paintings by artists who practise Falun Gong. Some of the paintings reflected practitioners learning Falun Dafa, some represented the spirit of Falun Gong practitioners and still others showed how Falun Gong practitioners are suffering from brutal persecution in China.

Visitors had a comprehensive understanding of what Falun Gong is and the persecution of Falun Gong happening in China from the picture exhibition. Nearly all visitors signed the petition and supported bringing the instigator of the persecution Jiang Zemin to justice. The reporters who came to report on this event also signed and expressed their support for Falun Gong. On the exhibition desks were all types of information for people to take away and read.

In the evening Falun Gong practitioners, expressed our thinking by means of delivering speeches, explaining the pictures, demonstrating the Falun Gong exercises, performing traditional dances, playing music and showing films. The atmosphere of the whole party was so serene and peaceful that the people were deep in a field of harmony.

When the film "Sandstorm" came to an end, which meant that the party also approached its end, the atmosphere was so imposing and everyone was in deep thought that no one stood up and left. In the end, some people found practitioners and told them how they felt and some volunteered to help clean up. News reporters talked to Xiong Wei, who was recently released from 2 years of illegal imprisonment in a Chinese labour camp. She talked about the torture and abuse she suffered during these two years.

Notice of "Falun Gong Day in Cham" on October 20, 2004

"Cham Times" once again published a detailed notice of the activity with photos on November 3, 2004)

This year's Falun Dafa Day received support from various organisations. The International Rescue Members in our district each displayed posters to advertise the event. The International Human Right Association helped contact all organisations in the district and inform them of the event so that they could take part. The cultural office from the City Government also allocated posters for Falun Dafa Day. Under the official approval the Cultural Council in Cham, practitioners put up posters and gave out leaflets in thirty five small towns around Cham City. Because of support from all areas, Falun Dafa posters and leaflets could be found everywhere and many people got to know about Dafa. When people read the practitioners' posters, they were eager to know what Falun Gong is and why the practice is being persecuted in China.

Advertisement of "Falun Gong Day" was published on the free weekly newspaper "Rund Schau" on November 3, 2004.

Detailed report published on page 9 on the newspaper.

High Resolution Picture

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200411/23260.html