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Shuai Liangcheng, a Disabled and Retired Serviceman from Leshan City, Sichuan Province Is Illegally Sentenced to a Three-and-a-Half-Year Term

October 31, 2004 |  


Shuai Liangcheng, a severely disabled retired serviceman from Yangwan Village, Suji Town, Leshan City, Sichuan Province, was abducted by the police on the morning of April 6, 2004 and illegally sentenced to three-and-a-half years for practicing Falun Gong. At present, he is imprisoned in the Jiajiang detention center and being subjected to torture.

After abducting Shuai Liangcheng, the police went to the school where Shuai's daughter is enrolled to pressure and intimidate her into writing her father to convince him to renounce his practice. At that time the daughter was facing university admission exams. Frightened by the threats of the police, she wrote tearfully, "Daddy, you must say you were wrong, or else I won't be admitted to the university."

While Shuai Liangcheng was in the army, he developed severe rheumatoid arthritis and was seriously crippled by the disease. After retiring from the armed forces, he got a job in a supply and marketing company. The company was not profitable, so he did not make very much money. He thus could not afford to get proper treatment for his serious arthritis problems. Eventually, the disease caused him to become hunchbacked, and his hands and feet curled up and would not unclench. His condition was extremely painful.

Then he began to practice Falun Gong. After he had practiced and studied diligently for a while, his back began to straighten and his fingers and toes unclenched and began to move freely. He became a totally renewed and healthy person, and he strongly believes in Dafa.

Since Jiang Zemin's gang began persecuting Falun Gong, Shuai Liangcheng has been illegally imprisoned many times in theYangwan Village government jail, the Suji Town Police Station, the Guihualou Detention Center in Leshan City, and in the Shizhushan Detention Center for several months.

At about 8 o'clock on the morning of April 6, 2004, Shuai was abducted and dragged off the street by several policemen. As this was happening, some onlookers said: "Shuai Liangcheng is such a good person, but you police continually come here and take him away. That is unreasonable!" The policemen shouted to the crowd, "If anyone objects, we will arrest all of you!" The policemen who kidnapped Shuai Liangcheng were Song Enpu, from the Yangwan Village government, Zhou Shimin and Chen Guangting, from the Suji Town police station, and Luo Jianhua and Li Changnai, from the Jiajiang County Public Security Bureau.

This time Shuai Liangcheng was taken to the Jiajiang police station, where he was brutally tortured by several different methods, including forty hours of sleep deprivation. The police intended to torture Shuai to the point of mental collapse so that he would confess to the false charges the police had concocted against him.

On the second day after Shuai was abducted, police officers Luo Jianhua and Li Changnai went to Shuai's house to extort money from his family, using the excuse that they would use the money to buy meat for Shuai to eat. The police then went to the bakery run by Shuai's brothers-in-law and told the same story. The police failed to fool anyone with their tricks. The officers cried out: "You will have to come begging to us some day! We will give him a heavy sentence and punish him severely, and we will see to it that his daughter won't be admitted to college!"

Shuai is still imprisoned in the Jiajiang Detention Center, suffering from all kinds of brutal torture. We ask respectfully for help and attention from international organizations and all kind-hearted people in society.