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How Jiang's Followers Use "Involved in Politics" to Control Chinese People All Over the World

October 03, 2004 |   By Minghui Reporter Cao Zhen

(Clearwisdom.net) There is a very good performing arts group that has worked very hard to introduce traditional Chinese performing arts to Western society. However, this group refused to participate in certain performances after they learned that some of the other performers are Falun Gong practitioners. The group was afraid that the Chinese Consulate would not be happy if they participated in the same event. They worried that such participation might cause them trouble with their applications for visas and for other group activities. The group claims it is a non-political organization, and its excuse for not participating in those performances was, "we do not want to be involved in politics."

There is a Chinese-American college alumni association in the San Francisco Bay area that once hosted a table tennis competition. I have a friend who is an alumnus of the college, and is also a reporter for a Chinese newspaper. He planned to participate in the competition and to interview other participants and the host for a local news report. Before his interview, one of the hosts made a phone call for "instructions." After the call, the host expelled the reporter from the event. The reason again was, "We do not want to be involved in politics." A newspaper reporting on a table tennis competition hosted by a Chinese-American college alumni association is political? Isn't this over-sensitive? Others knew it was because the Chinese newspaper my friend belongs to did not follow the protocol set by the Xinhua News Agency and People's Daily when reporting on issues regarding Falun Gong. Rather, it is known for reporting the truth based on facts and investigations. As a result, the alumni association dared not allow the table tennis competition to be reported on by a Chinese newspaper that is independent of the Xinhua News Agency and People's Daily.

It is a pity what this performing arts group and the alumni association have done. They were afraid even when participating in a performance or hosting a social activity outside of China.

Were these groups scared because they really think Falun Gong is a "political organization"? Of course not.

Most members of these groups, including their leaders, know some truth about Falun Gong. They know it is a practice that helps people to improve their health and morality and that it doesn't have a political agenda. Even if some members believed the propaganda and thought that Falun Gong might involve politics, no one would think it any more "political" than the Chinese Consulate. No one believes any Chinese newspaper outside of China could be more "political" than CCTV and China Press USA. However, these groups chose to work with the Chinese Consulate, and refused to perform or be interviewed out of fear of displeasing the Chinese Consulate.

As a matter of fact, such a phenomenon is the result of Jiang and his followers extending their persecution of Falun Gong outside China's boundaries. "Involving politics" is a label that could be more than enough to deprive an innocent person or group of all their rights. Though there are some international non-political organizations that are permitted to work with Chinese organizations, there are still many non-political and charitable organizations that are not allowed to enter China. What is the reason? Could it be that the dictator ignores human rights and defines who is involved in politics based on his self-interest in order to make excuses for the persecution? As long as they do not like you, they will claim you are involved in politics and threaten others so they will not deal with you. As a result, you will be isolated and the persecution will become convenient and "reasonable."

The truth behind the excuse of "not wanting to be involved in politics" to avoid Falun Gong and other organizations that refuse to slander Falun Gong seems to be simply that "I cannot deal with you because the dictator does not like you."

September 8, 2004