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Truth Clarification Idea for Busy Outdoor Areas: A Folding Cart With Banners

October 14, 2004 |  


2004-10-14_NYCcart.jpg (68260 bytes)

A compact, lightweight and portable yellow and blue folding shopping cart is available for purchase to assist with clarifying the truth and transporting truth materials. Practitioners used this cart for the first time in New York City this week during the UN Summit and found it very helpful.

The manufacturing company is called Great Products and the cart is called the Great Folding Cart. Steps 1-4 at this link shows how the cart can be folded up into a portable carrying case. While the cart is flat, the handle can also be extended so that the cart can be wheeled behind you while in the flat position: http://www.greatfoldingcarts.com/default.asp

The model practitioners purchased is called the Tall Cart, which can be viewed at the following link:

While on the phone clarifying the truth to this company about the intended use for the cart, the salesperson viewed the faluninfo.net website and was deeply touched by practitioners efforts and shocked by the persecution. When we placed our order, they shipped it the next day and of their own initiative, included free lids for every cart we purchased.

Here are a few ideas on how the cart can be used:

1. The cart can be used for clarifying the truth while at a street corner, while walking, or on public transit either in the open mode or folded in the compact mode.

2. If used open, it can be used to transport truth materials such as flyers, cds/vcds, music, mats, etc., as well as personal items.

3. If used folded (in the compact mode), a backpack can be carried with truth materials. The backpack can then be stored in the cart while it is open on display.

4. Waterproof, vinyl truth clarification banners have been designed to fit this cart. The banner files are ready for printing and can be submitted to any Kinko's, etc.

2004-10-14_CartBanner1a.jpg (248914 bytes) 2004-10-14_CartBanner1b.jpg (183515 bytes)

2004-10-14_CartBanner1c.jpg (193329 bytes) 2004-10-14_CartBanner1d.jpg (197235 bytes)

5. Affixing Velcro to the back of the banner, the sides of the banner, and one piece in the center of the banner enable it to remain secure on the face of the cart in all weather conditions.?If desired, the banners can also be removed easily removed and transported compactly without incurring damage to the banner.

6. The banner for the handle is attached by using thin strips of Velcro which can easily be looped through the grommets of the banner or quickly removed.

When walking on the streets of New York, many people can view the truth banner while stopped at crosswalks or when walking behind the cart. The truth clarification cart banner can also be viewed easily by passengers on public transit.

By using the cart to transport PVC piping and additional 18 x 24 banners or posters for vertical display, a clear, powerful and efficient truth clarification display can be successfully managed by only one practitioner.

This cart was also used in New York City at the Great Wall of Courage as a kiosk with flyers placed on the lid for passersby to take. A large number of people took a flyer.