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Radio Free Asia: The Activities of the Chinese Government During the Spring Festival Period May Have Embarrassed their French Counterparts

January 28, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioners had originally planned to hold a series of activities to celebrate the Spring Festival [Chinese New Year] and to expose the Jiang regime's persecution. Practitioners applied for permission as usual. Instigated by an evil manipulator, the Chinese Embassy obstructed the activities and applied pressure to the relevant French departments. This challenges the idea of democracy and freedom. Below is an interview with Falun Gong practitioners by reporter, Tian Yi a reporter for RFA.

Note: The interview is in Chinese only.

RM format online listening (2min37sec) RM format download (411KB) MP3 format download (922KB)

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Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200401/17408.html