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Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong at Events Sponsored by Political Parties in Switzerland (Photo)

January 16, 2004 |   By Swiss Dafa practitioners

Several weeks ago, Swiss Dafa practitioners started contacting the newly elected Parliament members via telephone or through personal meetings to talk to them about the brutal persecution against Falun Gong in China. We then got the opportunity to distribute materials and deliver a letter of appeal at an event held by the political parties.

Another party planned to hold several seminars on health issues in a German-speaking district. Practitioners were invited to give a speech about Falun Gong and they received an enthusiastic reception. At the end of the speech, the practitioners distributed materials and were able to talk with physicians, politicians and therapists.

Dafa practitioners received a warm welcome at this event. People were sincere and willing to help us. They also told us about places we could go to introduce Falun Gong. There were about one hundred people at the event. They all accepted the materials, and some even asked for more information. Some therapists took extra flyers for their patients and students.

There was also an outdoor gathering held about 300 meters away from the Chinese Embassy. Local practitioners took part, introducing many people to Falun Dafa and the truth of the persecution in China. Several young practitioners between 4 and 5 years of age performed an exercise demonstration. The atmosphere was harmonious, and Dafa practitioners also received a lot of positive feedback.

The original article is at: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200401/17234.html