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Statements from a Patient with Femoral Necrosis

January 11, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) In 1994, I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis and aseptic necrosis of the femoral heads, a difficult to cure bone disease affecting the femur, or upper leg bones. It was considered incurable by medical experts at the clinic of orthopedics of the First Hospital of Norman Bethune University of Medical Sciences in Changchun City, Jilin Province.

This sudden misfortune caused my parents so much grief that they would rather die. We sought treatment everywhere in vain. A little over one month after my graduation in 1995 I became bed-ridden. The joints of my two thighs suffered great and constant pain. Subsequently, the muscles of my lower body started to atrophy. My body became very stiff and I could not bend down. I became severely handicapped in merely a half-year and needed two persons to take care of me. My father had to quit his job and our family lost our source of income. The spirit of the family was on the verge of collapse.

In September 1996, while in complete desperation I was given an opportunity to live my life again. I started to practice Falun Gong. Although I could not do the exercises, I read the book. After one month, the atrophy of the muscles in my lower body subsided. After practicing Falun Gong, my parents' illnesses were also cured. Falun Dafa saved our entire family. I was interested in Qigong, but I had never heard of the principles presented in Zhuan Falun. The principles seemed all encompassing, and enabled me to understand the true meaning of life. A half-year later I was able to walk slowly on flat ground. Although my Fa study was not diligent, I nevertheless reached a state of lightness in my whole body in 1999. Each day I was able to stand for over 10 hours. With encouragement from fellow practitioners, I started to do the exercises. Although my movements were not accurate, my body experienced great changes in just two weeks.

A great calamity rolled over the land of China the moment Jiang issued the order to persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999. Everyone who spoke the truth was faced with persecution. Our family was no exception. Policemen broke into our house and confiscated all our Dafa books, videos, and audiotapes. My mother was detained and sent to labor camps, while my father was dismissed from work. Policemen and staff members from the neighborhood committee constantly came to our house to harass us.

In 2001, with the support of my parents, I went to Beijing to appeal. I was tortured twice in the Tiananmen Square Police Station and the Dongcheng District Police Station. I passed out twice on the concrete floor. I was released after going on a hunger strike for ten days. My parents were sent to forced labor camps one after another. In the spring of 2002, I posted "Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong" and "The World Needs Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance" handouts on the sixth floor on the building where I was living. My home was searched twice. Because of my handicap I was not sent to a labor camp. The police said they would continue to harass me, so what could I do! After several years of studying the Fa and cultivating my character, I seldom become angry anymore. My character upgraded greatly, I can tolerate nearly anything.

I called the city government to report my situation and was told: "If you call again, you will be punished." In August 2002, my father contracted a severe disease in the labor camp. His lower body was swollen and deteriorating. His life was threatened and he was allowed to be taken home by my relatives. He slowly recovered after studying the Fa. We are now living in a state of uncertainty. We don't know when the police will come to our house to rob and abduct us again, all because of our beliefs. Four years of precious time passed under this reign of terror. If I were able to study the Fa and practice the exercises regularly, I would be able to totally recover my health!
