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Incidences of Karmic Retribution and People's Changing Their Attitudes Afterwards

September 24, 2003 |  


Cases of Karmic Retribution in Changchun

Changchun Daily News is a newspaper run by the Changchun City Party Committee. It reported on June 11th 2003 the following case: Ge Ming, the former director of the security office at Agricultural University (which is affiliated with Jingyue public security division in Changchun city), suddenly came down with a stroke on January 3 this year. He has been hospitalized and remained comatose for over four months. Ge Ming had followed Jiang's regime to ruthlessly persecute Falun Gong practitioners since July 20th 1999. He had handled 96 Falun Gong cases and had been actively involved in torturing practitioners during the past two years. He would always claim that he was "young and in good shape", but now he was suddenly stricken by such a serious disease. It is indeed the "immediate retribution" for persecuting Falun Gong. Some policemen have learned from this and no longer follow Jiang's order.

Having Suffered Broken Bones After Tearing Down Truth-Clarification Material, a Shulan Farmer Begins Reading Dafa Books

Due to the influence by the deceiving propaganda, one farmer from Xinfeng village, Baiqi town, in Shulan city, Jilin province tore up truth-clarification materials that were posted on utility poles. The next day, he fell out of a truck and suffered broken bones. He has still not recovered. He realized that it was karmic retribution for tearing up truth-clarification material and has started to read Dafa books.

Police In The 3rd Labor Camp In Henan Province Suffer Karmic Retribution

Since the beginning of the persecution by Jiang's regime, the Henan 3rd labor camp located in Xuchang city has imprisoned over five hundred Falun Gong practitioners aged 15 to 70, some of which are handicapped. There are many practitioners who have been injured as a result of torture. Practitioners Li Jian and Yao Sanzhong were tortured to death. The following are karmic retribution cases of police who are involved in persecuting practitioners:

Ren Gaoqian is the director of the 3rd team (The team specifically used to detain and torture practitioners). He is suffering from cirrhosis of the liver.

Jia Zigang is the team head of the 2nd division of the 3rd team. He is actively involved in torturing practitioners. Many practitioners have been injured as a direct result of his physical torture. Now he suffers from a number of diseases and needs a lot of medicine to sustain his life.

Tan is the president of the internal hospital in the 3rd labor camp. He is involved in persecuting practitioners. In the fall of 2002, his right leg was injured in a car accident.

In addition, the result of the physical examination of all the police in that labor camp showed that 90% who were involved in torturing practitioners suffer from various diseases.

The Doctor Says: "You Can Be Cured Only By Practicing Falun Gong. You Should Start Now."

Influenced by the deceiving media propaganda, a woman in Northeast China tossed the truth materials into a bathroom. As a result, she fell from a truck three days later, injuring the nerves in her neck. The doctor told her: "You only have a 10% of chance of recovery." Upon hearing this, she was about to give up medical treatment. The doctor told her: "You can try practicing Falun Gong."

Upon going home, she suffered excruciating pain and she cried all day long. Her husband went to see the doctor. The doctor told him: " There is truly no better treatment. Only practicing Falun Gong will cure her disease. You can start it now." Her husband borrowed the Teacher's lectures from local practitioners. After listening to them, she could fall asleep that night. She could also move her neck again. She said happily: " I want to practice Falun Gong. It is truly miraculous." She also told her story to others and told them to treasure Dafa materials.