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My Experience of Resisting Evil and Getting out of Gaoyang Labor Camp with Righteous Thoughts

September 02, 2003 |   By a practitioner in China


I had the fortune of beginning cultivation in Falun Gong in 1997. On March 4, 2000, almost a year after the persecution by Jiang's regime began, I was practicing the Falun Gong exercises at a local practice site. When the policemen saw me, they abducted me and detained me for 8 days. After extorting approximately 1500 Yuan from me as so-called "bail money," I was sent back home. Afterwards, I went to Beijing twice to lawfully appeal for the freedom to practice Falun Gong, and as a result the local liaison office in Beijing sent agents to intimidate my husband and daughter, and put a lot of pressure on our family so that we were not able to live a normal life. Our relations with our friends also suffered severely.

On October 11, 2000, I returned to Beijing on bicycle to expose the crimes being committed against Falun Gong practitioners and to clarify the further facts to the government and everyday people. I was arrested at the front gate of Tiananmen Square and illegally detained for a month in the local county detention center. On November 15th, I was sentenced to 3 years at the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp.

The women's section of the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp has been specifically designated to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. In order to try and make me give up my belief in the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance, the policemen beat me with their fists and kicked me violently for long periods of time. They shackled me to the ground in a workshop with handcuffs and chains and forced me to squat for several days and nights on end. It was December then, and the temperature outside was very cold. They kept the door and window open all the time to make it even more painful for me, and when the wind-swept snow blew in it was extremely frigid. At other times, they used several electric shock batons simultaneously to shock me all over my body. One time, I was shocked in the face so badly that there were many big blisters all over. Another time, they put the electric shock batons under my shirt and shocked me for a long time, leaving my back badly burned and covered with blisters filled with yellow liquid. When they were shocking me, I clenched my teeth tightly and had one thought in my head: "no matter what the situation is, I will never betray Falun Dafa or Master, I will never give up my belief in Dafa, and I will never be transformed!" Finally, they put me in an execution room and shocked my entire body, including my mouth, face, feet, inner leg, etc.

Later, they forced dozens of us practitioners into a brainwashing class. They used every deceitful methods they could think of to try and break our minds, including reading so-called "exposing material" to us every day that badmouthed Teacher and Dafa. They did not allow us to sleep until 2:00 am, and constantly surrounded us with collaborators (former practitioners who have betrayed Dafa and Teacher under pressure). Because I had strong righteous belief in Dafa and strong righteous thoughts, their evil tricks could not penetrate my mind at all; it was like trying to draw water with a sieve. When the evil saw that their methods were not working, they brought us into a big workshop within the Labor Camp and shackled our hands to the ground which forced us into a squatting position. We were kept squatting there four days and nights, and when they saw that this method also did not work, they forced us to carry out physically demanding tasks like carrying dirt on our backs, and did not allow us to sleep at night, and punished us by making us stand for the whole night.

After I studied Teacher's recent lectures, especially the principle of "No matter what the situation, do not cooperate with the evil's demands, orders, or what it instigates." ("Dafa Disciples' Righteous Thoughts are Powerful," Essentials for Further Advancement II), I came to seriously understand the Fa from the standpoint of the Fa, and I rationally understood that validating Dafa and clarifying the truth are the best things and that I should not obey what the evil wants me to do even the slightest bit. When Dafa is persecuted, Dafa practitioners are persecuted, and if I myself am illegally detained, I should try to do even better what Dafa practitioners should do. I should not recite the so-called "labor camp rules" and "songs" that the Labor Camp has created to slander Dafa, and I should not agree to do anything that the labor camp had demanded us to do.

The Labor Camp guards continued to torture me by shocking me with electric batons, slapping my face with the bottom of their shoes, forcing me to squat down for long periods of time and to hold a painful "flying" position (a form of torture). They also forced us to roll up our pants and squat on the lawn to be bitten by mosquitoes. I went on a hunger strike for 52 days to protest the cruel treatment and they force-fed me barbarously for the entire time. Finally, on October 26, 2001, when there was only skin and bones left to me, they called my family to come and take me back home, but they made sure to demand 800 Yuan from my family first.