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Letting Go of "Self" and Being Tolerant of Others

September 18, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) At this time, when the Fa-rectification is breaking through and coming closer and closer to the surface, my attachments have been showing up more obviously. Those attachments that seemed non-existent or were never even noticed by me now seem to be inflating like balloons. This is for me to see clearly my own attachments and get rid of them as soon as possible. One most obvious example of my attachments is looking for deficiencies in fellow practitioners: "This one has this deficiency and that one is no good in that area." It is one of the reasons that our local practitioners are not getting along harmoniously. Having established bad notions from human thoughts, some of us are accustomed to being the type of person who is very critical of others but lenient with ourselves.

I remember once reading an article by a practitioner. The article said, "It does not matter whether others behave like a practitioner. Most importantly, we should behave like a practitioner. It does not matter whether others can forsake selfishness or attachments to fame, gain, and affection. Most importantly, we should forsake it all. It does not matter whether others cooperate with us. Most importantly we should do our best to cooperate with fellow practitioners. It does not matter whether others search inward, most importantly we should frequently look inside ourselves. Searching inside the self is most important for practitioners to improve themselves. Only when we elevate our own xinxing (mind or heart nature), can we do well all things of the current Fa-rectification."

Cultivation practice is to cultivate our own selves. If you look down upon others and trample them under your foot, you then cannot fly high yourself. I really looked inside and found that the so-called deficiencies of others were really my own. Search as I may, I found that the root cause was in myself.

As fellow practitioners of the same Dafa, it takes vast predestined relationships for us from many colossal firmaments to get together here. While we smile and let go of everyday people's mistakes, why are we so hard on fellow practitioners, who are related so closely to us?

It is getting clearer and clearer to me that the most difficult thing to let go is the attachment to "self," sticking to and not letting go of anything about myself. Isn't sticking to their own thing and being unwilling to let it go, the root cause of the old forces causing harm to Fa-rectification? In other dimensions I see a brilliant heavenly body, where each and every practitioner holds a shining wand. Huge numbers of brilliant spots constitute the whole heavenly body. I find my seat and become one of the shining spots, submerged into the whole brilliant body without any sense of self. Then I truly fully realize the feeling of being a Dafa particle.

As a tiny spot in the Fa, it is meaningless to be attached to and to focus on self. Only by assimilating to Dafa can we exist in the cosmos and really be shining brilliantly.

The above is just some personal understanding for your reference and kind feedback.