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Summary of Other Articles and News - 09/05/2003

September 13, 2003 |  


Practitioners Exchange Insights

A suggestion on word usage in truth clarification materials: I watched a short video exposing the Jiang group's crimes of deceiving the world and persecuting the people. When I clarified the truth to people, I found they could accept the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong, but they didn't believe or understand that Falun Gong is the law of the cosmos. Since the majority of people from Mainland China are deeply instilled with atheism, some of the things we say that are above the level of modern science would be rejected. Therefore, we should try our best to avoid using these words when clarifying the truth and not create barriers for them to learn the truth. What ordinary people can understand is that we are using legal means to bring the head criminal to justice and eventually restore the reputation of Falun Gong. Personally, I think when clarifying the truth we should call it a persecution of a group of people by another group of people, not persecution of gods by man. This way it's easier for people to accept and it fits modern people's mentality, which makes it easier for them to be saved.

To practitioners who have been illegally sent to forced labor: yesterday when I heard another practitioner was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor I was upset for a long time. While the evil interfering with the Fa is being eliminated in large quantities, people are awakening and there is an urgent need for Dafa practitioners to devote much effort to clarifying the truth; the deeply disturbing abduction of Dafa practitioners is still taking place. As Dafa practitioners, how can we completely negate the arrangements by the evil old force and walk a righteous path of our own? This is an issue worthy of our deep thinking.

News From Abroad

On the morning of September 2, "Car Tour to Rescue Charles Li" arrived in Toledo, Ohio. Along with practitioners from Michigan, they placed exhibition boards in the square in front of the city government. They did the Dafa exercises, distributed handouts and clarified the truth to passersby. The largest press agency in Toledo and a TV station interviewed Ms. Foo Yeong-ching and the local practitioners and reported this activity in a positive and objective manner.

Bring Jiang Zemin, the head criminal responsible for persecuting Falun Gong to the court of history: the year 2003 is an unusual year in Hong Kong. After walking through the SARS crisis, we endured the ups and downs of Article 23. When the SARS epidemic first exploded in Mainland China, Jiang Zemin blocked the news until it reached Hong Kong. With media exposure, the world paid attention. The so-called Article 23 Implementation is the overseas extension of Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong. The people of Hong Kong quickly recognized this conspiracy.

In March 2002, the Hong Kong police twisted facts and falsely tried Falun Gong practitioners who were holding a peaceful appeal. The hearing for their appeal began on September 3, 2003. In the near future, we will see that the head criminal who started this persecution and his accomplices are the ones who should be publicly tried by the people.