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Slovakia: Celebrating Falun Gong Week by Touring Several Cities (Photos)

September 01, 2003 |   By a Slovak practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net, September 1, 2003) The week beginning 18th August was Falun Gong week in Slovakia. Falun Gong practitioners celebrated by visiting several Slovak cities to introduce the peaceful practice and tell people about the violent persecution in China. Many people signed a petition to bring dictator Jiang Zemin, who started the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, to justice. Sometimes there was even a queue of people, both young and old, waiting to sign the petition.

One lady from Trnava asked practitioners about the exercises because she felt a bit skeptical. After an explanation, she left with tears in her eyes, wishing us all the best. Her disdain for this persecution was expressed as she signed the petition.

In Liptovsky Mikulas, practitioners met the Vice-Mayor of the city and told him about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. He said that Liptovsky Mikulas is a tolerant city and will be happy to receive an introduction to Falun Gong.

We arrived in Lucenec during the big city market, so people from many surrounding villages got to learn the truth about Falun Gong. Many people stopped and silently watched the exercises or read information about the persecution. From Slovakia the practitioners continued to Budapest, Hungary, where they spent the weekend with Austrian practitioners. There was a big street party happening and many Hungarians took a break from their celebrations to express their sympathy for the persecuted Falun Gong practitioners. One boy was so eager that he asked to learn the exercises immediately. The practitioners went on to peacefully appeal and send forth righteous thoughts at Budapest's Chinese Embassy in the evening.

18/8 Trnava
19/8 éilina
20/8 Liptovsk2 Mikulß
21/8 Zvolen
22/8 Lu enec
23/8 and 24/8 Budapest
A young boy learns the exercises
At the Budapest Chinese Embassy

