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Summary of Other Articles and News -- 8/23/2003

September 01, 2003 |  


Practitioners Exchange Insights

Realizing the Need to Be More Diligent after a Lingering Toothache: For a long period of time I was not diligent enough, and sickness karma came up. Through studying the Fa I realized that it was an issue of persecution from the old forces. I tried to use righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil. With righteous thoughts I could eat without any pain. But later on, the pain came back, and it became stronger and stronger. I could not endure it any more! What was the reason? A fellow practitioner said: "You still have toothaches at this moment. You need to hurry to find what you did not do well." I dug deeply into the root of attachments. Through studying the Fa diligently I suddenly realized that the fundamental reason for my failing to be diligent and being persecuted is that I did not "respect Master and respect Dafa." For a long time I did not follow Master. I did not "Cherish Dafa and view Dafa as the most Important" (Hongyin -- "Obtaining the Fa"). I took the concepts and attachments formed postnatally as myself. I closely stuck to these attachments, such as not wanting to hear unpleasant words, being attached to good food, arguing over minor things, joking around inconsiderately, being mischievous, etc. I was shocked: I have been practicing for so long, but I did so many things so poorly. I felt unworthy of Master's compassion, and unworthy of the beings in the universe waiting to be saved. I once again gathered the courage to cultivate. I will definitely listen to Master in the future, study the Fa diligently, get rid of attachments, do well in the three things Master requires of us and be a worthy Dafa disciple.

News and Activities Around the World

On August 21st, Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference at the Sheraton Hotel in Toronto, announcing that 153 Falun Gong practitioners have filed an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada with regard to the lawsuit charging Sing Tao Daily with slander and libel. On September 20, 2001, Sing Tao Daily published a whole page article comparing Falun Gong to terrorist organizations. The plaintiff said that this article directly damaged the Falun Gong practitioners' image, causing them to be discriminated against and treated unjustly in society. This is a violation of Canadian laws and the practitioners' rights.

News from China

On June 29, 2003 the News Panorama program of Dalian TV Station in China reported on the interviews with Falun Gong practitioners detained in the Dalian Education Center. The Education Center fabricated lies, and News Panorama worked with them to cover up the truth and mislead audiences. The report claimed that: "There is no 'persecution' at all. Policemen in the prison and Falun Gong practitioners are like brothers." The criminals at the Education Center said: "We use education to move Falun Gong practitioners." Then what is the truth? On March 19, April 11, and May 10 of 2001, incidents of extreme brutality toward Falun Gong practitioners took place in Dalian Education Center. Falun Gong practitioners have been brutally beaten and tortured. Many were injured and even tortured to death. Even now the education center is still trying to force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their beliefs and escalating the persecution.

Practitioners' Stories

Dafa cured my illnesses and instilled good morality in me. I have been practicing Falun Gong for almost 5 years. Through studying the Fa I have come to understand many mysteries of life and I can tell good from bad and justice from evil in the world. Before I practiced, I was attached to fame and sentimentality in the human world. Conflicts at work and at home, as well as illnesses, brought me much pain and suffering. When I came across Falun Gong, my view of life suddenly changed. It was Master who saved me from pain and desperation, and put me on the path to return to my original nature.

Reference Materials

Why do we say that Jiang Zemin has committed the crime of genocide: As defined by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, "genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; forcibly transferring children of the group to another group." Falun Gong is a cultivation practice based on the principle of Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance. The goal is to cultivate mind and body, return to one's original kind nature, and be a good person. China's former dictator Jiang, out of jealousy and paranoia, started persecuting Falun Gong in July 1999. He ordered the systematic torture, rape, and murder of practitioners, which comprises at least 4 of the above 5 items to qualify as genocide. The path Falun Gong practitioners have been through in the past 4 years and the support and sympathy from people and governments around the world marked the failure of Jiang's attempt to destroy Falun Gong. In the past several decades, those who have committed crimes against humanity have been tried one after another. History will also bring Jiang to justice in the near future.