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Carmel, Indiana: Presenting the Magnificence of Dafa to Thousands of People in Independence Day Parade (Photos)

July 09, 2003 |   By Dafa practitioners from Indiana

(Clearwisdom.net) Practitioners attended City of Carmel's Independence Day Parade. Even though only a few practitioners attended the parade, practitioners collaborated very well and successfully presented the beauty of Dafa to tens of thousands of people.

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With the efforts of practitioners and their family members, we made the decorations of the float in very short time. The style of the float was different from other participatants and raised a sense of uniqueness and curiosity. Practitioners wore yellow practice suits. Some held Dafa banners, some demonstrated the peaceful exercises on the float. When the Falun Gong group passed the stage, the host introduced the worldwide flourishing of Falun Gong and its mind and body benefits. Spectators gave warm applause. Along the parade route, people read the words on the banners "Truth Compassion Tolerance" "Falun Dafa is Good" Many people gave a big thumbs up after reading the words and said, "Very good" "It is what we need." Practitioners all knew that these kind people are waiting for Dafa.