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Reference Material: New York's Chinatown Experiences The "Ideals" of Chinese-Style Communism First Hand

July 04, 2003 |   By Ling Feng

(Clearwisdom.net June 27, 2003)

(Note: The reference materials reprinted from other sources were written by people who are not Falun Gong practitioners, therefore, their views do not necessarily reflect that of Falun Gong practitioners)

In the evening of June 23, a confrontation occurred in front of the new "Yidong" ("Palace 88") restaurant in New York City's Chinatown between a group of pro-communist Chinese and Falun Gong practitioners. According to the World Journal, the confrontation started when a supporter of communist China snatched a loudspeaker from Falun Gong practitioners. Amidst panicked cries of fellow Falun Gong practitioners, practitioner Li Jun was isolated and beaten until his nose started to bleed. The supporters of communist China cheered their victory, but fled when police arrived at the scene.

It was shocking but not surprising to learn this news. What was shocking was that the Chinese communist party-liners dared to exhibit their violent behavior in the United States of America. They waved the iron fists of "the dictatorship of the proletariat" commonly utilized by the Communist Party in China right in the middle of the United States, the land of freedom. Not so surprising was that Chinese communist party-liners exerted violence toward Falun Gong practitioners in the United States because it was not the first time. Previously, it had been done in secret, but they have become bolder now because so far they have escaped punishment for their illegal action.

Of course, people adhering to the Chinese communist party line might argue that the Falun Gong practitioners deserved to be beaten because they demonstrated in front of a restaurant. However, they forget that this is the United State not China. The United States is a society of pluralism. The right to appeal and demonstrate exists everywhere. When parties differ they resolve it through peaceful approaches. It is bone chilling to find out that American Chinese organizations toeing the communist Chinese party line behaved here exactly as they would in China and that all they believe in is their fists and violence.

Even more perplexing is that Liang Guanjun, the chairman of the Unified Organization of Overseas Chinese Associations of New York, said that new immigrants from Mainland China had instigated the violent confrontation with Falun Gong practitioners and that those new immigrants were not members of the Unified Organization of Overseas Chinese Associations of New York. It was highly despicable of Liang Guanjun to place the blame on new immigrants. I would like to sincerely warn new immigrants to be watchful of Liang Guanjun, who may use them as scapegoats when the authorities of the United States investigate the incident.

The Chinese Association in Chinatown consists of senior overseas Chinese; The Unified Organization of Overseas Chinese Associations of New York is mainly involved in the activities of new immigrants from Mainland China. The new immigrants are still under the influence of the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party and their "lopsided view". It is Liang Guanjun's duty to help them merge with American society and accept the values of mainstream America after they immigrate to this country, instead of ensuring that they remain loyal to the Chinese dictatorship and spreading the "Communist venom" to the United States. It is Liang Guanjun, Hua Junxiong and others who are poisoning the public of Chinatown and splitting the Chinese community.

For example, the Independence Day Parade this year was canceled because of the adamant opposition of Liang Guanjun to the participation of Falun Gong. Some people in the Chinese Association didn't want to spoil the "harmony" (of the Chinese community) and were forced to cancel the parade with the excuse that there was not enough time to prepare. They had been deceived by Liang Guanjun who has no interest in a parade celebrating the independence of the United States. Rather, he is only interested in celebrating the National Day of the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party and it is he and his friends who damage the unity of the Chinese community. During the Chinese Spring Festival parade in Flushing of the last few years, the pro-communist organizations made various attempts to block the participation of Falun Gong. Wisely, the Chinese Association of Flushing refused these unreasonable requests and the Spring Festival parade this year proceeded as usual. Falun Gong practitioners gave a splendid performances. We have only to carefully observe the actions of officials representing the Chinese dictatorship and their overseas associates in order to easily distinguish who is right or wrong, and kind or wicked.
