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Ukraine: The People of Lviv Warmly Welcome the City's First Dafa Photo Exhibition (Photos)

July 31, 2003 |   By Ukraine Dafa practitioners

(Clearwisdom.net) From July 11th till July 20th, Ukraine practitioners held a photo-exhibition entitled "A Journey to the World of Falun Dafa" in Lviv City. The exhibition was held in the Palace of Arts located in the city centre and was endorsed by the city officials.

Practitioners from Kiev, Cherkass, Uzhgorod and Sambor travelled to Lviv to let people know more about the benefits they have received from practising Falun Dafa. After arriving in the city, they were offered a great place in the Palace of Arts foyer to hold the exhibition. They invited local officials, media and the public to come and find out more about Falun Dafa and stand on the side of justice by opposing the Jiang regime's persecution of practitioners. With pure thoughts in the practitioners' hearts, no difficulties could stop them.

The exhibition's opening ceremony took place on July 11th and was attended by local journalists. Practitioners told visitors about the purpose of the exhibition: to let more people know about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China.

Many of the visitors to the exhibition were keen to learn the Falun Dafa exercises and the practitioners ran daily free classes.

On Wednesday July 16, practitioners held a press conference. Many journalists were present and wrote positive reports on the exhibition, which attracted even more visitors.

The people of Lviv City warmly welcomed the photo exhibition. Practitioners met many people who were very grateful that a practice as remarkable as Falun Dafa appeared in their city.

Opening ceremony

Many people visited the photo exhibition

Visitors learning Falun Dafa exercises

A practitioner being interviewed by a reporter

Daily exercise practice in Lviv Central Park

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200307/14157.html