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New Zealand Herald: Hong Kong gripped by massive anti-government street protest

July 03, 2003 |  

02.07.2003 1.21 pm

HONG KONG - Hundreds of thousands of protesters took to Hong Kong's streets today to denounce the government and its planned anti-subversion law in the city's biggest demonstration since the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.

"Return rule to the people," they chanted as the rally began to denounce the bill which critics say will impose Beijing-style control over free speech and the media.

Brandishing banners, umbrellas and fans, many wore black on a sweltering day to mourn what they said was the demise of rights and freedoms in one of the world's key financial centres.

Critics say the law, which Beijing has been pressing Hong Kong to enact, poses the biggest threat to basic rights in the former British colony since it reverted to Chinese rule in 1997.

Earlier, a group of protesters burned the Communist Party flag as Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao tried to reassure the territory that its freedoms would be protected. But the afternoon march was peaceful.

By nightfall, organisers said around 500,000 people had turned out, while police said they counted at least 350,000 people as of 6pm (10pmn NZT). It was the largest protest in Hong Kong since 1989, when a million turned out after troops killed hundreds of pro-democracy demonstrators in the Chinese capital.

The government has said it would not back down on the national security legislation regardless of today's turnout. Despite renewed criticism from the United States and Britain, the bill is bound to be passed by the territory's legislature, which is packed with pro-Beijing and pro-government supporters.


The anti-subversion measures, to be enshrined as Article 23 of the Basic Law, were the prime target of many of the protesters, but others said they were frustrated by the government's handling of the ailing economy and the SARS epidemic, which killed some 300 people in the territory.

Marchers came from all walks of life with retirees and young couples pushing baby strollers walking alongside veteran democracy supporters, highlighting the depth of dissatisfaction with the government. Many were demonstrating for the first time.

Political commentator Andy Ho said he was not surprised by the extent of public anger.

"Those who have come out are from all walks of life, and are not only opposed to Article 23 but a host of government policies," Ho told Reuters.

"This should serve as a wake-up call for the government. If it does not heed people's views, grievances will deepen and it will make it more difficult for it to rule Hong Kong."

The flag-burning took place a few hundred metres from the convention centre where Wen and local leaders were celebrating the sixth anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China.

In what are believed to be the first public comments by a senior Chinese leader on the controversial issue, Wen repeatedly assured Hong Kong that its special status would be protected.


Though Hong Kong was promised a high degree of autonomy after the handover, critics say there has been a subtle roll-back of freedoms, especially as it grows more economically dependent on the mainland.

The government's push to pass the law this month has stoked concerns that any dissent may soon be treated the same way it is in China. Beijing fears that without the law, Hong Kong will be used as a base for subversive activities against it.

The Falun Gong spiritual group for instance practises freely in Hong Kong but has been banned in China [...].

Under the legislation, people can be jailed for life if convicted of subversion, treason or secession from China. It also allows gives police sweeping search powers without court orders.

The government's much-criticised handling of the bill and many other issues may have set the stage for a bigger battle.

Its refusal to allow more consultation and widespread anger at Tung have spurred calls for more democracy and may have galvanised generations into becoming more politically active.
