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Summary of Other Articles and News - 07/05/2003

July 10, 2003 |  


Facts of the Persecution

1) Suizhong Area of Huludao City, Liaoning Province did not achieve the "targeted number" [of arrested and transformed Falun Gong practitioners] set by the Jiang regime. The officials have become irrational over keeping their positions. They planned to illegally arrest Falun Gong practitioners to meet the targeted number. Some places have already started to do this. Around June 18th, the Suizhong Political and Legal Committee held a meeting for the persecution of Falun Gong. It was said that a name list was made in the meeting. Falun Gong practitioners must have righteous thoughts and actions to reject the arrangement of the old forces.

2) On March 27, 2003, seven Falun Gong practitioners were arrested by the Hegang police and were sent to the Jiamusi Labor Camp in Heilongjiang Province. They are Zhao Xiuyun, Du Guihua, Si Shangyun, Liu Yaokun, Xie Ziju, Li Sumei, and one unknown practitioner. There are many tortures used on Falun Gong practitioners in the Jiamusi Labor Camp, including handcuffing behind the back, beatings, forcing practitioners to read or watch materials that slander and damage Falun Gong, and forcing practitioners to work, etc.

3) Xiao Haiying, a Falun Gong practitioner from Beijing, went to Hong Kong to visit her sister at the end of June. On the night of July 2nd, when she returned to Beijing, she was detained by the National Security Bureau at Beijing International Airport for contacting overseas Falun Gong practitioners. The National Security Bureau also threatened Xiao Haiying many times to obtain information about her mom who has been forced to wander about because she practices Falun Gong.

4) Wu Jianping, a Falun Gong practitioner of Chengdu Machinery Equipment Plant in Sichuan Province, was illegally arrested on June 16 by the Erxianqiao Police Station and the Chenghua District Public Security Bureau and was detained at Bi County Detention Center in Chengdu City. Xu Shicong, a Falun Gong practitioner from Chengdu City, was arrested in December 2002. He got a phone call from the police telling him to go to the Nanmusi Labor Camp in Zizhong City of Sichuan Province to pick up practitioners that would be released. He was kidnapped by the police of Chengdu City and was sent to a brainwashing class at Bi County of Chengdu City for persecution. In April 2003, Falun Gong practitioner Xu Shisong broke through the brainwashing class with righteous thoughts.

Practitioners Exchange Insights

After three-years of persecution, with a righteous mind I was not afraid of evil: I was lucky to obtain Dafa in June 1998. Master purified my mind and my body. Many illnesses I used to have all disappeared. After July 20, 1999, I mailed truth-clarification letters to the central government and wrote truth-clarification materials to museums with exhibitions that slander Falun Gong. In July 2000, I went to Beijing to appeal. I unfolded a banner on Tiananmen Square and was brought to the police station by 4 or 5 policemen. One policewoman ordered me to take out Falun Gong books. I pointed to my head and said that they were all in there. I told her I could tell her whatever she wanted to know. She was shocked and could not say a word. Later I was illegally detained over a month. After that the police would come to my home to harass me every holiday or on any sensitive days. On December 4, 2001 a group of people broke into my home and found Falun Gong books and materials and sent me to a detention center. Later on they illegally sentenced me to one-year of forced labor education, and extorted 12,000 Yuan from me for me to serve my sentence at home. On April 20, 2002, 6 or 7 people knocked on my door. I did not answer. They came again the next day. Since then I have been forced to leave home to avoid further persecution and illegal arrest. At that time my daughter was about to take the middle-school entrance exam and my 89-year-old father-in-law was in the hospital. I thought that I should just treat myself as a practitioner and give up the attachment of the sentiment of family and material benefits. No matter how hard the path of cultivation is, I will closely follow Master.

Commentary on Current Affairs

China News Site published a strange report on July 3rd in New York, saying that the Union of Chinese Communities in New York would "fight with Falun Gong till the end." The tone reminds people of the tone of the media language during the Cultural Revolution. Out of their own interests, the very few leaders of overseas Chinese communities bow to the Chinese authorities. On the one hand, they perform so-called "Patriotic Drama" overseas, and on the other hand, they enjoy the business benefits - paid for by people's blood - that are given by the dictators of the Mainland Regime. The article also quoted some unknown politicians claiming that Falun Gong practitioners do not do good deeds when natural disasters happen in China. During the Yangtze River Flood in 1998, many Falun Gong practitioners donated money without leaving their names or asking for rewards. The names of the donators broadcasted on TV only showed "Falun Gong practitioners." China has been persecuting Falun Gong for over 4 years and about 740 Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted to death. Overseas Falun Gong practitioners have been working hard to rescue practitioners in China who are suffering persecution, whereas Falun Gong practitioners in China have undergone great risks to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to people to maintain people's rights to know the truth. This is the most significant good deed! On the contrary, those several leaders of overseas Chinese communities stimulate hatred and act as scoundrels while numerous innocent people in China are persecuted, tortured, and killed. How are they qualified to talk about good deeds?