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Swedish Ambassador in Thailand Escorts Mrs. Pirjo Svensson to Bangkok Airport (Photos)

June 09, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On the evening of June 5th, Pirjo Svensson, who had been unlawfully detained for 37 days in Thailand, arrived at Bangkok Airport accompanied by the Swedish Ambassador. She planned to take a plane bound for Sweden.

Nearly 20 friends from Thailand, Sweden and America came to say goodbye to Pirjo. Several reporters also interviewed her and the Ambassador at the airport.

Before boarding the plane, Mrs. Svensson read out a statement that she had written earlier that day. The Swedish Ambassador then made a statement to Pirjo's friends, the reporters and the Thai police. In his statement, the Ambassador recognised the innocence of Pirjo and expressed his regret for the Thai government's ignorance of Pirjo's rights as well as their failure to maintain the promise of protecting human rights.

Pirjo's friends continually waved fans with the words "Falun Dafa Is Good" printed on them. Pirjo said farewell to Thailand, with an air of profound sadness. On her arrival at Gothenburg Airport, Pirjo was welcomed by Swedish Dafa practitioners with flowers and balloons, and a press conference was held at the airport.
