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Chinatown after a Grand Dafa Parade

June 08, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) June 1 report: When we held a large and jovial parade in Vancouver during the Fa conference, we found the people in Chinatown were greatly moved. Their understanding of Dafa has changed a great deal.

We asked a woman at a greeting card shop how she felt about the parade. She said, "I haven't seen such a good one in a long time." When I gave her truth clarification literature she happily accepted and said, "Good! I'll read them when I have time."

At a barber shop, a barber said while taking a flyer from me, "Such a large-scale parade and so lively." I laughed and he also laughed. Soon, he lowered his head to read the flyer.

A woman who owned a small leather bag shop said to me, "Your parade is great! It's so outstanding and orderly. It seems as if your group is endlessly long. I know some of you come from Australia and Europe. It's not easy for you to come all this way!" She said while taking a flyer from me, "Actually, I'm against the persecution. Look how peaceful Falun Gong is." Hearing this, I felt truly happy for her for supporting Dafa.

The owner of an herbal supplements and delicacies shop had previously refused to take a flyer, but this time his attitude was completely different, "I saw your parade. Good! Very good! Some of you came from Australia and Europe. You tell them to come often, lots of them!" I smiled and nodded, "Then take a look at our flyer. There is something that will interest you." "Great! Give me all of them. I'll read them." When I walked past several display cases on my way out, several clerks nodded at me and thanked me.

A woman clerk at an insurance company said, "I saw your parade. You are well organized and maintained good order." She said, "This time I'll take a good look at the flyer and learn more about Falun Gong."

The head of a family living near our practice site used to always ignore us when we asked him to take a flyer. One day when we were doing the exercises, the middle-aged man sat on a chair at the practice site with his child, and we naturally began talking. We talked as if we were old friends who haven't seen each other for a long time. Gradually he asked, "Many of your Falun Gong people are still practicing. I saw your parade and I saw you on T.V. All upright cultivation ways teach people to be good and their teachings make sense. How can they teach people to do bad things? I was too busy before and didn't have time to talk to you."