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US Congressman Jim McGovern Supports Lawsuit Against Jiang

June 25, 2003 |  

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On June 14, 2003, Congressman Jim McGovern presents his opinion on politics to his voters in Marlborough City Hall

(Clearwisdom.net) Report from the Epoch Times in Boston:

On June 14, 2003 US Representative Jim McGovern met with voters to hear and learn about issues of local concern in the Marlborough City Hall, Marlborough, Massachusetts. The meeting was open to the public, and any in attendance were able to meet with Congressman McGovern.

On June 11, Congressman McGovern co-signed a brief with dozens of members of the US Congress as a friend of the court, also known as amicus curiae. The amicus brief was written by the senior Democratic member of the International Relations Committee in the US Congress, California Congressman Tom Lantos, requesting the court to proceed with the lawsuit against Jiang, and urging the court to handle the litigation against former Chinese leader Jiang and others with the charges of genocide, anti-humanity and other crimes. On June 12, the US Federal District Court of the Northern District in Illinois accepted the brief and the news shook both the Chinese community and International diplomatic circles. Our reporter interviewed Congressman McGovern about the case in hopes to thoroughly report how the US politicians view the lawsuit against Jiang.

Reporter: Mr. McGovern, I learned that you co-signed a brief as amicus curiae to support Falun Gong practitioners to sue the former Chinese Communist Party head Jiang for the crimes of genocide and anti-humanity. Would you please talk about your opinion on the lawsuit?

McGovern: I think the Chinese government's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and other religious people is unscrupulous and of guilty conscience. Frankly speaking, I have a high standard for human rights and believe that no matter where, in the US or any other place in the world, the standard for human rights is consistent. Everyone should enjoy freedom of belief, express their beliefs in any means and have freedom of thinking. For many years, many people and I have often criticized the behavior of Chinese government. We have sent out numerous requests to the Chinese government in hopes that they could improve their methods and attitudes in treating Falun Gong practitioners, but the Chinese government has basically been aloof and continued its suppression of Falun Gong. Recent litigation is a method to put pressure on the Chinese government so that they can become tolerant.

Reporter: When I contacted the Federal State Council, an official told me that they sympathized with our situation, but in order not to create an international precedent, so that future US presidents would be likely to be sued, they handled the lawsuit against Jiang in a reserved manner. What's your opinion on this explanation?

McGovern: Actually, there has been precedent in the world that a country's former leader was sued. Former Chilean president, and military strongman Pinochet were sued at Spanish courts by human rights movement. I deeply believe the International Law and think that any person must be held accountable for violating human rights and committing genocide and the crime of war. I'm sorry for the reply the State Council made to you, I feel that it is simply an excuse for doing nothing. I think if the US truly represents something, the US should stand up to uphold the human rights. That is to say, in face of brutal suppression, not to be silent, not to be passive and do nothing about it. What Falun Gong practitioners are facing is brutal suppression. This is an inextinguishable fact. If the Bush government has other suggestions, I'm ready to listen, but it should not be that when people are being persecuted, does not do any practical things and only settles it perfunctorily. I cannot accept. I think not only the US, the international community must also stand up and put pressure on China.

Reporter: Recently, a former Massachusetts resident, American citizen Charles Li was arrested on January 22 upon his arrival at an airport on his trip back to China to visit his parents, and was detained and sentenced by the Chinese authorities for "preparing to sabotage TV broadcasting system." In order to protest inhumane treatment and the Chinese government's persecution of Falun Gong, Charles Li began a hunger strike on May 27, and was force-fed. Would you please tell how you view this thing?

McGovern: The only mistake Mr. Li made is that he took the airplane to China and got off the plane. I again feel sorry, because we are talking about an American citizen. The US government not only needs to show concern for the American citizen, but also needs to try their best to protect American citizens. For this instance, I think Bush president and State Secretary Powell should immediately raise the case with the Chinese government. Charles Li is an American citizen, and the US government must protect American citizens.
