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Summary of Other Articles and News -- 6/17/2003

June 21, 2003 |  


Practitioners Exchange Insights

The following is an excerpt from the article "Experience Sharing and Technical Training among Falun Dafa Practitioners in a TV Group from Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia."

Recently we tried to clarify the truth to Chinese construction workers, but they seemed uninterested and distant no matter what we said and even when we passed out beautiful booklets. Then, when a fellow practitioner put on a DVD movie that told the facts about Falun Dafa, many people came over to quietly watch as it effectively clarified the truth.

Asian people continue to be deceived by the Chinese media. Practitioners are working very hard to clarify the truth door to door. They have tried many ways to help people recognize the biased Chinese propaganda , but sometimes just one fabricated news article would poison people's minds again, putting them back where they were. We therefore need to make better use of the media to help clarify the truth more deeply.

News from China

According to the Zhengzhou Daily News on June 6, 2003, three female Falun Dafa practitioners Zhang Yali, Zhang Baoju, and Guan Ge Hung committed suicide inside the Shibalihe Women's Labor Camp in Henan Province because of their desire "To ascend to heaven on consummation." A sharp reader would ask, "Why would they choose to hang themselves only once they got into a labor camp? Why were there no such incidents in the seven years of Falun Dafa's flourishing in China before the persecution began? Why have no practitioners in Taiwan or overseas ever done such a thing? How did these three practitioners avoid the strict supervising system and have the opportunity to hang themselves in an activity room?" Police do evil deeds with their weapons, but these propagandists are killing with their pens. Surely they too will meet with their due karmic retribution.

Police in Tangshan City, Hebei Province, are trying to arrest Falun Dafa practitioner Hao Lixia by deception. They have posted her name on the "Missing Persons" list instead of on the "Wanted" list. Police used this same underhanded technique when they tried to illegally arrest Falun Dafa practitioners Nie Chunling and Guo Xiaohui, who worked at materials centers.

In December 1994, Master gave the last nine day lecture series in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. It was a magnificent experience. We stayed in a motel run by the Army. After group exercise practice one evening, a Falun appeared in the air. It was made up of transparent lights. When it turned clockwise, the energy around its edge was absorbed inwards; when it turned counterclockwise, light radiated outwards from the Falun. The four TaijI signs, the four smaller swastika signs, and the big swastika sign in the center of the Falun were all turning. It was so magnificent. While I could only see this much, other practitioners saw a bigger, more colorful Falun, with our revered Master's huge law body sitting on top of it.