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Solemn Declarations: Rectify Ourselves

June 02, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net May 16, 2003)

Solemn Declaration

I obtained the Fa in 1996 while attending college. During these last three years, I have moved from place to place to avoid being illegally arrested and, at the same time, done some Dafa work. Since I hadn't given up the attachment of affection between a man and a woman, as well as that of sexual desire, I have been tumbling in cultivation and not able to rectify my deeds. Eventually, I did some secret and sinful things that were unworthy of Dafa and unworthy of Teacher, which left a stain on the history of my cultivation. I didn't realize how serious my deeds were until recently. Thinking about how much Teacher has endured for us, I felt in my heart of hearts Teacher's compassion and arduous salvation. Especially after I read Teacher's lecture at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference, I felt more shame for my deeds. I hereby pledge my determination to rectify my deeds and to do well in the cultivation during the last period. I herein solemnly post my declaration.

Declarer: Zhu Dongxin, May 6, 2003

Solemn Declaration

During my cultivation process, I repeatedly did some sinful things that should never be done by a Dafa practitioner and will never be allowed by Gods. Each time, however, I found some excuse to justify my actions. Before I would do something bad, there would be some interference. And, every time, Teacher would mercifully give me hints, so that I would realize my mistake. I had made up my mind to break-up with her. However, there were periods of time where I could control myself, and yet there were other times when I failed to. Recently, I knew I should resolve this issue but I used the excuse that I didn't want to hurt her. Actually, in my heart, I always hoped to resolve the problem and still maintain the relationship. As a result, my progress as a cultivator slowed and I lagged behind in my cultivation.

When I read Teacher's lecture "Lecturing on and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference", I was shocked and woke up. I realized that if I cannot let go of my fundamental attachments, all the problems originating from it couldn't be resolved. To solve the problem, we must find the fundamental reasons and not be puzzled by the apparent phenomena.

When I became resolute and firm in my determination and righteous beliefs, the changes that followed were unimaginable. The original very difficult issue was peacefully resolved in an instant. That made me more steadfast in believing in Teacher and believing in the power of Dafa. It was the Fa that solved my problem.

From now on, I wouldn't do anything that would stain the reputation of a Dafa practitioner. Heaven and Gods witness my words!

Declarer: Yang Dong

Solemn Declaration

Since July 20, 1999, I didn't study the Fa diligently and was therefore moved by the sinful notions and demon-nature that postnatally formed in my mind. I ignored Teacher's hints over and over and did many things that are even unworthy of being called a human being. However, our great and merciful Teacher once again pulled me back from the verge of the cliff.

Teacher's lecture "Lecturing on and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference" roused the deaf and awakened the unhearing. It woke me from the nightmare. I came to realize that, in the past, I was not able to treat myself as a Dafa practitioner; whenever I encountered difficulties I always let go of my main consciousness. The attachment to affections and pursuit of comfort dominated me so that I made numerous blunders. I also "take Master's mercy for granted" (Lecturing on and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference). Forgive me, Teacher. I was unworthy of your merciful and arduous salvation. From now on I will make my mind let go of the attachments. I will do well the three things a Dafa practitioner should do.

Declarer: Xu Xiaoyuan (Singapore)

Solemn Declaration

I obtained the Fa in 1998 and I committed myself to practice Dafa in 1999. However, for a long time, I have not been diligent in my cultivation. Even though I knew Dafa is good, out of the attachments to ordinary people's affairs and distorted notions, I still knowingly kept my bad habits. Whenever I encountered problems, I would always look outside myself for reasons or I would find an excuse to cover up the fundamental attachment. I spent little time studying the Fa and doing the exercises. Whenever I went out among ordinary people, I never treated myself as a practitioner and just followed the wave of ordinary people. I often had thoughts that were not respectful to Teacher and to Dafa. So, I cannot be considered a Dafa practitioner because I didn't do things according to the requirements of Dafa for a Dafa practitioner.

What I am most ashamed of was that I held the corrupted notions of the current society and did something that didn't even qualify me as a human being. In addition, under the evil pressure in this persecution toward Dafa, although I didn't write the so-called "Guarantee Statement" nor give them Dafa books, out of my attachments to ordinary people's affection and attachments to fear, I did violate the requirements of Dafa.

I was unworthy of Teacher and unworthy of Dafa. I was unworthy of the sentient beings who placed hopes in me, and I was also unworthy of myself. I hereby solemnly declare that up to this point I have been unworthy to be called a Dafa practitioner. Everything I have done that violated the requirements of Dafa were due to my personal corruption. They were all my responsibility. Meanwhile, I will exhaust all I have to compensate for the losses and the negative images caused by me, and I will utilize the time left to become a true Dafa practitioner. I will catch up and strive to reduce the damage. I will not cause myself regrets and will not leave regrets to our great Teacher because of my disappointing actions.

Declarer: Gong Hanyang

May 13, 2003

Solemn Declaration

I was the kind of person that Teacher mentioned who studied Zhuan Falun before July 20, 1999 but didn't advance well in cultivation. Even before July 20, I was often attached to human notions and "dug into a bull's horn" [a common Chinese term that means to go down a dead end] in Fa study. At that time, I had just obtained Fa but I praised myself and looked down upon other practitioners. Because of that, I didn't study the Fa and do the exercises together with them.

After July 20, lies were spread everywhere. I thought to myself and said to a fellow practitioner, "If Dafa were not true, what would the meaning of life be?" I felt that if this tangible and sensory world is the entirety of existence, I would prefer to die. However, I am now deeply repentant that after July 20, even though from time to time I reminded myself of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance, I didn't give up the attachment to affections and sexual desires. From the end of 2000 until the end of 2002, during these precious two years, I did many sinful things and cannot bear to look back on them. I also allowed many sinful things from the Internet to enter my mind. I feel deep regret for having done that. Teacher gave me opportunity after opportunity to continue practicing even though I had done such sinful things. I have been unworthy of the sentient beings who have counted on me, and unworthy of myself. I didn't know how to face Teacher who dragged me back from the Hell.

When I read "Fa-Lecture During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference", Teacher's immense tolerance and great mercy to disciples shocked me. I realized that Teacher has been waiting for those disciples who have fallen behind, and Teacher still treats us as disciples! After I read, "Lecturing on and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference", Teacher's heavy hammer allowed me to realize that I can no longer leave things to chance. I read fellow practitioners' solemn declarations, and made up my mind to write and solemnly declare that: I will use Dafa to rectify my every thought and every deed. I will no longer do anything that is unworthy of Dafa, unworthy of the name of a Dafa practitioner, and unworthy of Teacher's great compassion and arduous salvation.

Wen Guangyu

May 13, 2003

Deep Regret

I obtained the Fa in 1996. When I first obtained the Fa, although on many occasions I was not able to do well, I could still use the Fa to guide myself. On July 20, 1999, I went to the government compound to clarify the truth. However, out of the attachment to fear, when the police conducted a massive arrest, I ran away. Afterwards, I was ashamed of what I did and could not mention it. Since I had slackened in Fa study for a long time, the evil took advantage of that. All my attachments became manifest. I behaved even worse than ordinary people. Whenever I did something bad, I would actually feel very guilty, especially when I thought of Teacher's merciful salvation, or of those fellow practitioners who are suffering torture in jails, and those who gave their lives for Dafa. I felt I was not worthy of being a human being! Time and time again I knelt in front of Teacher's photo, vowing to give up the bad deeds, but I never dared to look at Teacher. Every time I would vow to start over. However, I wasn't truly resolute in making a fundamental change. This bad behavior of mine has brought shame to Dafa, left stains on my cultivation, and adversely affected many people around me--those who have been waiting for salvation to be offered to them.

I herein solemnly declare: I was wrong! I will start cultivation over! I will redouble my efforts to compensate for the losses caused by me. I will do well in the three things that Teacher instructs us to do. Teacher, please forgive me. Please watch me while I am doing it!

Declarer: Chang Jiang

May 13, 2003

Solemn Declaration

Teacher's heavy hammer woke me up. It also freed me from the torment of the soul. Since I didn't let go of the attachment of affections, I was not able to rectify myself from my improper deeds that have brought shame to Dafa and left stains in the course of my cultivation. I am very ashamed. I enlightened to the reason why Teacher asked us to openly speak out about the things we have done that are unworthy of Dafa. Thank you for your mercy, Teacher. I am now resolute to rectify myself. From now on, I will become a true Dafa practitioner. I ask your forgiveness, Teacher. I ask your forgiveness, fellow practitioners.

Declarer: Du Meixian

May 14, 2003