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My Understanding of the Three Requirements

June 15, 2003 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Since I was released from a forced labor camp, I have been fulfilling Teacher's three requirements, namely studying the Fa, clarifying the truth and sending forth righteous thoughts. I have become fearless when I clarify the truth of Falun Dafa to other people. I take every opportunity to do this when I am in the market, in the park and on the bus where there are usually a lot of people. I utilize my wisdom, taking advantage of each small thing. I share my personal experiences with people, tell them how I have benefited physically and mentally, and how Jiang has been lying, creating a false reality and persecuting us.

In the matter of sending forth righteous thoughts, I have found that some practitioners finish it in less than ten minutes, some keep looking at their watches, some open their eyes from time to time, some sleep and don't even realize that their palms are no longer in an upright position, some say that they are not the magnificent Buddha and therefore can't say that they are, and some send righteous thoughts for their families only. My understanding is that all these are a result of not really understanding the Fa. To rectify this, I think we should study The Essential for Further Advancement II more often. I think we have to be absolutely clear what we are doing when we send forth righteous thoughts and we have to do it perfectly. As soon as you sit, except for Teacher's formulas and what you intend to say, you should empty your mind for at least 15 minutes for better results. When you meditate with an empty yet conscious mind, your entire being will be sending forth compelling energy and supernormal power. You don't have to take the time spent on sending forth righteous thoughts too rigidly, but I understand that spending more time is better than spending less time. Our role is to help Teacher in Fa-rectification, eliminate the evil and save sentient beings. We have to do all of these as best as we can.