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Indiana: Locals Learn Falun Gong at "Earth Festival" (Photos)

June 11, 2003 |   By Dafa practitioners in Indiana, USA

(Clearwisdom.net) From Saturday, May 31 to Sunday, June 1, 2003, on a sponsor's invitation, Indiana practitioners participated in the 2nd Earth Festival multicultural celebration in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. We offered free exercise instruction sessions and set up a booth to introduce Falun Dafa. Many predestined people were happy to learn about Falun Dafa. The practitioners also took the opportunity to expose Jiang's evil persecution of Falun Dafa, including arbitrary arrest, detention and sentencing of American citizen Charles Li. The practitioners also let people know about the recent "genocide" lawsuit against Jiang.

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The mayor personally came to congratulate the celebration, and the practitioners took the opportunity to introduce Falun Dafa to him. The mayor has issued proclamations for Master Li and Falun Dafa, and he commended the practitioners for our contribution to the community.

Though the weather was not favorable, and there were not many visitors, people oftentimes came to our booth to inquire about the exercises and the reason why the Chinese government forbids people to practice Falun Gong.

At our booth, practitioners in bright yellow exercises suits peacefully demonstrated the exercises, with the beautiful Dafa music Pu Du and Ji Shi playing in the background. Some visitors were attracted by the music and exercise demonstration. Some stood nearby and carefully watched the practitioners' exercise demonstration. Those who wanted to learn the exercises on the spot included mothers and children, young people from schools, teachers, elderly people and those who practice other styles of qigong and meditation. After practicing, they all had a good, warm feeling. The people were amazed when they learned that the practitioners have been quite healthy and haven't had to take any medicine since practicing Falun Gong. They appreciated the practitioners' offering of free exercise instruction, and could not help asking, "Is it really free?" "It's so kind of you." The practitioners explained to them how to obtain more information about Falun Dafa and welcome them to join the group practice.

What is interesting was that many of the staff from nearby booths put aside their work and came to our booth to learn the exercise or discussed with practitioners about issues like why the Chinese government forbids people to practice Falun Gong. After looking at more photos depicting the brutal persecution, they sighed and said, "It's unbelievable." Some people said why not practice at home, after practitioners' explanation, they understood that cultivation of Falun Gong benefits both ourselves and other people, and it is good to society. Freedom of belief is humans' basic right.

We continued teaching the exercises at dusk, which also attracted many people. Some learned in the morning, and some came back after visiting other booths or taking a short rest at home. Two deaf-mute people came to the hall and showed a note to a practitioner, it read, "We saw you do the sitting meditation just now, and we want to learn it." The practitioners gave them Falun Gong introduction and truth-clarifying literature. They presented their hands to heshi to express thanks. After the exercise teaching, people shared their experiences and understanding, and asked for information about practice sites.

It was dark when we finished teaching the exercises. We sincerely hoped that predestined people could learn Dafa through this activity, and we also thought of how to be more effective in clarifying the truth on a larger scale and let the people of the world know the goodness of Falun Dafa.

There were not many practitioners in Indiana, but we all actively participated in the two-day activity. We cooperated with each other, and our strength as a whole demonstrated Dafa's mighty virtue and goodness.