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A Letter from a Father to his Daughter: Your Mother Has Been Secretly Sentenced to Jail, and I am Even Denied the Right to See Her

May 08, 2003 |  


My Dear Daughter:

How are you! It's been a long time since I last contacted you. I miss you very much.

It's been 7 months since your mother was arrested on September 26, 2002 because she practices Falun Gong. During this period of time, I have been uneasy and sleepless, and have been through mental torture. Though I had 24 years of military experience, I still could not endure such a blow, because that blow is abnormal and inhuman and is caused by artificial factors. You know I did not believe in Falun Gong, but after the accident that night in which your mother was thrown through a truck windshield dozens of meters to the other side of the road, I started to believe what your mother said about the power of Falun Gong. She had only superficial wounds and was unconscious only a short time. You know your mom had a lot of diseases, and medical treatments did not offer her much help. But she was totally healed after she practiced Falun Gong. That was miraculous. So I had to admit that Falun Gong is very effective in getting rid of peoples' diseases and in enhancing people's health.

From ancient times until today, gaining health through cultivation practice has been popular. But now, due to the jealousy of a few leaders, a very good practice method was banned. I am not a Falun Gong practitioner, but I believe that practice and cultivation, whether one believes in it or not, is a matter of personal freedom. The Falun Gong practitioners I know are mostly seniors. Some of their diseases were definitely cured only after they had practiced Falun Gong, so they believed in Falun Gong very much. They are kind, good people. Your mother just practiced as others and does only good things. Why the authorities abuse their power to cruelly persecute them, I really do not understand.

In the long days in which I waited for news of your mom, it was so worrisome because I heard nothing. Finally on April 2, 2003, a person claiming to be your mother's attorney called me, "At 9 am this morning she will be the first on trial, could you come?" She called at 8:45 am. I said, "Why have you informed me so late?" she said that she had forgotten the day before. But I needed about one hour to go to the court. She said, " It's too late for you to come. But it does not matter if you do not come this time, I will inform you before the next trial." I said, "Are you kidding? You are too irresponsible. You take such an important issue as nothing. You do not take citizen's rights seriously!" She said, "Do not be angry," then she hung up. Such is the attorney, how unbelievable! The law enforcement bodies did not observe legal procedures. They abuse their law enforcement rights, and deprive citizen's rights at will. I was helpless and could only wait for the next phone call as they promised. But until now, I have received nothing about your mother.

On April 11, 2003, three police officers came to my home. One was from the local police station, the other two from the Public Security Bureau Branch. They said they came to show special consideration to me. They were surprised to hear that I had not received any news of your mother and could not visit her. One police officer, Cheng, from the Public Security Branch said, "It should not be so, didn't you receive the court verdict? As I know, she was sentenced to three years imprisonment." I was even more surprised to hear these words because I had not received any notice! But I had to believe what they said! On April 14, it was verified that your mom was sentenced to three years' imprisonment. I was very angry to hear the news; the law enforcement organizations were ruining the law. I have no trust in them any more because they deprive citizens of their basic rights. Your mom is not alone; she has a husband and a daughter. But her husband and daughter have been deprived of the right to see her in court; the verdict was even delivered by others. I was bitterly disappointed in the legal system.

My daughter, your mother has been so ill treated, but where could I go to complain? I am shivering due to the cold weather, but my heart is colder than the weather. Talking with you about your mother made me feel a little warmer. Your kind and compassionate mother, I do not know how she is doing in jail, but somehow I am not too worried about her. As the saying goes, good people will be rewarded with good. Your mother should take good care of herself, please do not worry too much about her. You need to take good care of yourself also. OK, it's late, I am going to sleep. Talk later!

Best Wishes!

Your Dad, May 1, 2003