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Keep the Old Forces In Mind when Clarifying the Truth

May 27, 2003 |   By Qing Liu

(Clearwisdom.net May 14 Reports) During the Fa-rectification, I have realized the source of all evil manifestations is basically coming from the old forces at a very high level in the old cosmos. What we see in the human world is just the manifestation of their specific arrangements. Therefore, no matter what I confront in human society, my eyes are always on the old forces; I always connect the evil performance in the human world with the old forces. I keep this in mind whenever I clarify the truth to people.

In this persecution against Falun Dafa and Dafa practitioners, I never put coworkers, workplace supervisors, or community organizers on the opposite side, nor have I done it with the police officers in local police stations, detention centers, labor camps or people in brainwashing classes. Although they regarded me one who should be "reeducated," "saved," or attacked, I never put them on the opposite side, because I understood that they were just puppets of the old forces, puppets with live bodies and minds that should not be carelessly harmed.

I also understand that years of cultivation in Falun Dafa have endowed me with the power to suffocate the evil. Righteous words and action that meet the standard of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance will restrain evil thoughts, evil speech and evil action. I also understand that human beings in fact like to reason things out. Although they used distorted logic and spoke according to corrupt human principles, I must acknowledge that they did try to reason. Therefore, if I wasn't picky about their use of human principles and distorted logic, I could prevent them from reverting to an opposing attitude when I was expressing my opinion. If I did not stubbornly oppose their distorted principles, but instead showed understanding, they would also realize their unrighteousness and look at things with righteous thoughts. Eventually, they became more and more serious about our conversation and started using normal human reasoning. As a result, their attitudes and understandings of Dafa changed. If I was stubborn, they would strongly oppose me, speak irrationally or even run amuck. This way, they would not understand Dafa and instead became more hateful to Dafa disciples.

When I confronted this situation, what I considered was not whether I was going to bear physical or spiritual torture or whether I was going to lose something, nor did I think about whether I could bear the so-called harm. What I considered was that I should not be like the old forces that put aside the lives and futures of human beings, regarding them as tools to accomplish their goal. They regard sentient beings as a herd of sheep, of no use to the Fa-rectification. They have driven them to attack Dafa disciples and created a struggle to the death between sentient beings and Dafa disciples.

I understand that our great Master wants to save all the sentient beings in the cosmos. As a disciple, I should look at things from the perspective of Master. I know in my mind I must use my immense compassion to bear the suffering and tribulation the old forces caused. I must resolve those sufferings and tribulations with great compassion and solemn dignity. Such forbearance would make the old forces speechless, because through my forbearance I validate to all the sentient beings in the cosmos what a being renewed by Dafa should be like. At the same time, such forbearance should be within the Fa; by doing so, I can keep Dafa's compassion, peace and dignity in any situation. I use my cultivation status to tell people in this world and the elements behind them that Dafa is solemn and dignified and no one is allowed to disrespect it.

At the beginning I went through all kinds of tribulations, and people always regarded me as their enemy. They were rude and yelled and shouted at me. Sometimes they appeared to be very kind and made a gesture to "reclaim" me. They attempted to change my thoughts using their reasoning as well as providing so-called "factual" evidence. They told me how harmful the practice was, repeating the propaganda regarding Falun Gong. They said their intention was to save me but at the same time they told me I would be punished by law if I didn't give up practicing. Sometimes they were rational; sometimes they were impatient. Seeing this, I had my own affirmation. I had already seen through this: those were not done by the human beings, but by invisible and untouchable beings. Everyday people don't know this. I regarded everything they expressed as a test from different angles, testing what loopholes I still had. Then I knew clearly what I should do. First of all, as a practitioner cultivating in Dafa, in facing problems, I should observe whether my heart was moved. When I found I wasn't moved by what they said, not deceived by their sweet words and not frightened by their threats, I started to do what I should -- to clarify the truth.

I remember after the "self-immolation" incident in Beijing, my workplace leaders did a lot of work on me, trying to "improve" my understanding. They wanted to force me to give up practicing Falun Gong by using new ways to speak against it. They cited several examples, saying "you practitioners are not all good people, Mr. Zhang didn't speak honestly so he didn't meet the requirement of Truthfulness; as for Ms. Li, she even fought with her husband, how could she be considered kind? Also Mr. Wang, if anyone points out his shortcomings he won't listen to it. Is that considered forbearing? Therefore, your Falun Gong practitioners are not truthful, compassionate and forbearing."

After finishing their talk, they asked me what I thought. In general, when listening to such comments, practitioners would not acknowledge it in their mind, knowing it was an attempt to denounce Dafa and Dafa disciples. Based on this thinking, a common reaction would be to tell them it's not true. But I knew what they said was not what they wanted to say but came from the elements behind them. These elements know everything, why did they deliberately denounce Dafa and Dafa disciples?

I found that in addition to testing whether Dafa disciples have attachments or not, they also want to persecute Dafa. They want to poison the people in the world by slandering Dafa. While I didn't have such clear understanding, I knew what I faced was not the comments from everyday people but an attack from the evil elements behind them. Since the beings I was going to speak to were everyday people, I should not speak at too high a level. I had to let people know the truth, and I also had to get rid of the evil elements behind them. I thought for a while and told them my thoughts sincerely. I said, "Just now you brought up lots of principles for discussion and I think they are very right. First of all, I completely accept your kind criticism that has improved my understanding. From the phenomenon you just exposed, I realize that the behavior of those Falun Gong practitioners was not truthful, compassionate and forbearing."

After I made this statement, the workplace leaders and coworkers all felt satisfied. Why did I respond like this? Because I understand they indeed felt they were helping me. I had to admit this fact, so I accepted their criticism and education, expressing my true thoughts at that moment. This actually astonished them. Because I sincerely accepted their criticism, they saw I was a sensible and reasonable person. My speech completely changed their attitude and they no longer regarded me as their enemy.

But I was far from what I really wanted to express, so I continued, "The facts you exposed just now are indeed not truthful, compassionate and forbearing. But what I don't understand is why you said this to me? What is the purpose of your talking about this? Do you wish me to do worse than them? Or do you wish me to learn from their lessons and truly meet the requirements of compassion and forbearance? What is your intention? I think you must wish me to do better and meet the standards of truth, compassion and forbearance. I don't think you spent so much time just to ask me to be a bad person."

When I asked this question, everyone was surprised. My intention was very clear, to let everyone present exclude the interference and make their true choice. At that time, I very much believed that everyone present would make a right decision. In my heart I felt everyone was reasonable and they were just temporally deceived by lies. Since everyone is reasonable, I brought up two principles, to compare and decide which one to choose. At the same time, I had a strong thought that I wanted to ask the hidden elements: "what on earth do you think we should choose?" Suddenly, I found those elements could no longer play a dominant role, they couldn't do any more damage. I know what I spoke was a righteous principle. No matter who you are, you can't oppose it.

I continued, "Since you all wish me to do better and reach the standards of Truth, Compassion and Forbearance, I can tell you there is a Falun Gong book called Zhuan Falun. The whole book guides one to be a better person according to Truth, Compassion and Forbearance. We practitioners just follow the principles in the book. Of course, whether some of us can understand the inner meaning of the book or whether we can do well is an individual thing. That is not related to Falun Gong itself. Why do I say so? Because what has been written is written in the book, isn't how well one understands it an individual matter? For example, suppose in the book it tells you to go east, but you think it says to go west. Since you took that direction, you fell off a cliff and died. Can you complain that the book was wrong? If you really care about this issue, I hope you will take a look at the book and then decide whether the book is wrong or that person took the wrong direction. I will not make any comment whether Falun Gong is right or wrong nor will I make any comment whether what you said is right or wrong. I am just stating what I know as the facts

After I finished my talk, a workplace leader said immediately, "Who can oppose Truth, Compassion and Forbearance?" Another leader said, "If the book truly talks about 'Truth, Compassion and Forbearance' and asks you to be a good person, you just continue your reading. We won't oppose."

I said, "Thank you for your help."

When I recalled what happened then, I indeed felt "The Buddha-light illuminates everywhere and rectifies all abnormalities." I saw the effect of the energy field carried out by practitioners who practice the orthodox Fa. I saw my righteousness getting rid of the evil elements.