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The Final Trial - The End Will Soon Come for Jiang's Regime

April 29, 2003 |   By Zhong Yan


While paying close attention to the current Gulf War situation, people are hoping for new peace and development in the world. However, in the last four years, a war without guns has been making its presence known ever more clearly. One may be able to see through the superficial appearances of this war, which is directly related to the basic morality of human beings, and see its essence, which may help to usher in a new civilization for human beings after all of the current wars and diseases have run their course.

On this battlefield, one side seems to be very powerful. They have unequalled strength: a government-controlled media reaching every corner of the country, an army with a huge number of soldiers, policemen, jails, and other state apparatuses. They are backed up by ministries of judicial affairs, foreign affairs, culture, science, technology, and education, and have an unprecedented amount of money allocated for their support. The other side seems weak. Many of them are elderly people, women and children, who are not only weaponless but also believe that one should neither fight back when hit nor curse back when cursed. Yet the situation is in fact just the reverse. The first side, which seemed so powerful in the beginning, now feels it increasingly difficult to control public opinion, while the other side, which seemed weak in the beginning, has grown ever stronger, with righteous forces from all over the world joining in its cause.

The only reason that the seemingly powerful side had to launch an attack on the seemingly weak side was one dictator's desire for power, which had grown bloated to such an extent that he could not tolerate the fact that more and more people were following the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance," to become good people, instead of merely following him. To satisfy his narrow-minded and twisted desire for power, he used his influence and power to try to eliminate the seemingly weak side, spreading monstrous lies to people all over the world and using brutal force to support it.

This seemingly powerful side has two weapons: lies and violence. Those involved in the attack have been carrying out the policy of "defaming their reputations, bankrupting them financially, and destroying them physically" against Falun Dafa practitioners.

About four years have passed since the beginning of this attack. Yet even after suffering much misery and distress, the seemingly weak side has neither been defeated, nor struck back in any fashion. However, they have changed the situation they face in a peaceful, rational and righteous way. The changes that Falun Gong practitioners, the target of the attacks and persecution from the Chinese government, have made in their situation are manifesting themselves more and more clearly.

1. Clarifying the Truth and Revealing the Lies

Throughout the whole world, Falun Gong practitioners clarify the truth about Falun Gong and expose the persecution in order to make their persecutors' slanderous lies, spread by the Chinese government, collapse on their own. Those in power who try to defame Falun Gong practitioners through spreading lies have in fact lost their own reputations by earning the labels of "human rights scoundrel" and of being responsible for "state-sponsored terrorism." Nowadays, many countries in Europe, America as well as Australia are denouncing this persecution.

In its most recent report on human rights, the US State Department has again condemned Jiang Zemin's persecution of Falun Gong. The State Department listed in detail the cruel means used by the Chinese Communist Party to torture Falun Gong practitioners. At the same time that these atrocities are occurring, though, Falun Dafa has spread quickly overseas and has won the favor of the people and governments of many nations. The hundreds of honors and awards that Falun Dafa has received in more than 60 countries serves as evidence of this.

2. Investigating Criminals and Punishing Murderers and Assailants

In terms of the Chinese economic situation, most of the government officials involved in the persecution of Falun Gong in China are guilty of corruption, led by Jiang himself. According to a large amount of evidence and reports gathered by the "World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (an international non-profit organization)," these corrupt officials, be they members of the Central Committee or local government officials, have consumed a massive amount of the country's resources to recklessly persecute Falun Gong and to benefit personally in the process. As a result of this persecution, more than 640 Falun Gong practitioners have been confirmed to have died from torture; thousands more may have been tortured to death as well, as it is very difficult to obtain information due to the Jiang regime's tight information blockade. Cases of death from torture have continuously occurred in more than 30 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government's control. At least 6000 Falun Gong practitioners have been illegally sentenced to prison, more than 100,000 have been illegally sent to forced labor camps, and several thousand have been forcibly sent to mental hospitals and injected with nerve-damaging drugs.

Corrupt officials have ransacked and confiscated Falun Gong practitioners' private homes, fired hundreds of thousands of practitioners from their jobs, frozen practitioners' incomes, imposed illegal, high fines, illegally raised bail rates, and have even forced practitioners' family members to pay cremation fees after their relatives were tortured to death and forcibly cremated.

According to a reliable and confidential source, Jiang's regime has used one fourth of its national resources to persecute Falun Gong. They have spent between 1.7 and 2.5 million Yuan per day just to search for and arrest Falun Gong practitioners on Tiananmen Square. At the same time, Jiang has also used the country's resources to satisfy himself. Jiang spent about 100 million Yuan to buy himself a private plane and renovate an old house in his hometown. He used his power to promote his son Jiang Mianheng to the position of vice-director of the Chinese Academy of Science. Jiang put in 6.4 billion American dollars for a single contract with a Taiwanese electronics company. On February 27, 2001, Jiang allocated 4 billion Yuan in a single fund to give his son authority to set up instruments used to spy on Falun Gong practitioners. To gain support from another country for his policy of persecuting Falun Gong, Jiang did not hesitate to sell a portion of China equal in size to 100 Taiwans. According to Hong Kong's Kaifang and Zhengmin magazines, many high-ranking CCP officials have escaped to other countries with embezzled money. In 2000, as much as 48 billion US dollars left the country in this manner.

Not long ago, the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong began to take action to gain support from organizations and individuals to conduct a thorough investigation of the corrupt officials involved in the persecution of Falun Gong, collecting information on their criminal acts, where they have stashed their embezzled money, and finding out who should receive legal sanctions. Jiang Zemin's regime has taken advantage of international investment and economic aid to carry out its policy of trampling on people's freedom of belief and depriving people of their human rights. Now, politicians and government officials in many western societies have come to understand this. On January 20, 2003, a bill was proposed in the Canadian Parliament requesting an end of economic aid to those countries where freedom of belief is suppressed.

3. The Final Trial - Sounding the Death Knell of Jiang's Regime

During the past four years, Jiang has given many ruthless orders to officials and police in forced labor camps, jails and detention centers all over the country in regards to the persecution of Falun Gong. Some of these include: open fire on practitioners posting flyers, claim that practitioners killed in the persecution had committed suicide, and to cremate practitioners' bodies immediately after they are killed (to eliminate evidence of officials' wrongdoing). In other words, he has given corrupt officials and police free reign to do whatever they please in persecuting Falun Gong. Throughout the country, "610 Offices" have been established and placed above the law and above any local government, solely for the purpose of persecuting Falun Gong, and their officials kidnap, arrest, illegally bring to court, and torture Falun Gong practitioners--all in an attempt to have them give up their beliefs.

Yet the arm of the law is long, and unjust causes find little support in the end. The righteous forces are growing stronger all over the world and are bringing to trial one of the worst perpetrators of "crimes against humanity" in history. Since October 2002, people with righteous attitudes have sued Jiang Zemin in courts on the charge of "genocide," and the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong has gotten involved as well, following its oath "To investigate the criminal conduct of all institutions, organizations, and individuals involved in the persecution of Falun Gong; to bring such investigation, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far and deep we have to search, to full closure; to exercise fundamental principles of humanity; and to restore and uphold justice in society."

According to one report, on the 3rd day (March 19) of the 59th UN Conference on Human Rights, the organization "Track Impunity Always" and the Swiss Falun Dafa Association held a joint press conference about a lawsuit being brought against ex-president Jiang Zemin in Switzerland. Mr. Phillip Grand, the plaintiffs' lawyer, answered reporters' questions and indicated that Jiang Zemin will face lawsuits in different countries and possible punishment of a lifelong jail term.

On March 12 in the Hague, ICC, a new permanent international criminal court was established to deal with dictators and war criminals. Eighteen judges were sworn in. The purpose of this court is to try those individuals who have been sued for serious crimes against common citizens, as opposed to against a country or army. Supporters hope this court will play a critical role in preventing, investigating and controlling serious human rights violations.

Who will be the first villain to be tried in this court? Perhaps you can already see through the smoke of the weaponless battlefield in China.